Ladysmith KZN: Male nurse sentenced to life behind bars for rape

He was convicted of raping his 13-year-old biological daughter

Nkosinathi Thwala (35) was recently sentenced to life imprisonment for rape.

Thwala, a male nurse who was working at Ladysmith Provincial Hospital, was convicted of raping his 13-year-old biological daughter in the Shayamoya area of Tsakane on November 14, 2015.

He was sentenced on September 23 in the Ladysmith Regional Court.

Also read: Ladysmith KZN: Viral video of truck driver dodging bullets

“Young girls should not be afraid to speak out if they are sexually abused, and society must also not be too quick to judge them,” said investigating officer Constable Miya.

Read the full story in the next edition of the Ladysmith Gazette…

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