NEWCASTLE: Keep your children safe with these tips from the SAPS

Always check first with your parents or a trusted adult before you accept anything from anyone, even from someone you know.

Newcastle SAPS has issued guidelines to residents to help keep their children safe.

According to Lizzy Arumugam from SAPS Corporate Communications, parents need to ensure children know their names, home address, parents telephone numbers and names.

Parents and children are advised to take heed of the following important safety tips supplied by Newcastle SAPS:

Always check first with your parents or the person in charge and tell them before you go anywhere or get into a car, even with someone you know.

Always check first with your parents or a trusted adult before you accept anything from anyone, even from someone you know.

Always take a friend with you when you go places or play outside.

Say NO if someone tries to touch you or treat you in a way that makes you feel scared, uncomfortable, or confused.

It’s okay to say NO,  know that there will always be someone who can help you.

Know that you can tell your parents or a trusted adult if you feel scared, uncomfortable, or confused.

Be strong and smart and know that you have the right to be safe.

What teens can do to be safe: 

Don’t go out alone. There is safety in numbers.

Always tell an adult where you’re going. Letting someone know where you’ll be at all times is smart. If you’re faced with a risky situation or get into trouble, your family and friends will know where to find you.

Say NO if you feel threatened. If someone touches you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, you have the right to say no. Whether it is pressure about sex, drugs, or doing something that you know is wrong, be strong and stand your ground.

School and after school tips for younger children:

Always take a friend when walking or riding your bike to and from school. Stay with a group while waiting at the bus stop. It’s safer and more fun to be with your friends.

If anyone bothers you while going to or from school, get away from that person, and tell a trusted adult like your parents or teacher.

If someone you don’t know or feel comfortable with offers you a ride, say NO.

If someone follows you, get away from him or her as quickly as you can. Always be sure to tell your parents or a trusted adult what happened.

If someone tries to take you somewhere, quickly get away and yell, “This person is trying to take me away!” or “This person is not my father/mother!”

If you want to change your plans after school, always check first with your parents. Never play in parks, malls, or video arcades by yourself.

If you go home alone after school, check to see that everything is okay before you go in. Once inside, call your parents to let them know that you are okay.

Trust your feelings. If someone makes you feel scared or uncomfortable, get away as fast as you can and tell a trusted adult.

Home alone tips for teens:

Check out the house before entering.

Go to a safe place to call for help if something doesn’t seem right.

Lock the door.

Call your mom or dad when you get home to let them know you’re safe.

Never tell callers that your parents aren’t home. Instead say that he or she can’t come to the phone and offer to take a message.

Don’t open the door for or talk to anyone who comes to your home unless that person is a trusted family friend or relative and your mom or dad has said it is okay.

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