Ladysmith: Back-breaking struggle for clean water in Umhlumayo

"We have been without water for a long period of time"

Ladysmith KZN –  A group of Umhlumayo residents picketed on Friday, demanding that uThukela District Municipality supply them with clean water so they can maintain proper hygiene practices to help prevent the spread of Covid-19.

The unhappy residents complain that they do not have taps in the area, as they are all broken, and that tanker trucks do not supply them with water.

“We have been without water for a long period of time,” complained the picketers.

On Friday (September 25), angry residents blocked the road leading to their area, demanding that their grievances be heard. “There is a swamp in this area where cows, goats and even dogs drink. The water is the same water we are drinking as residents of Umhlumayo. We sometimes walk long distances to fetch water from a tap that is being used by each and every member of Umhlumayo. Sometimes water tankers do come to this area, but they seem to choose only some houses to deliver to, while the rest of us are struggling for clean water,” said an angry community member.

Also read: Ladysmith: Protesters close R103 near N3

The residents add that the councillor in the area, Cllr Majola, is aware of the problem. He was at the protest on Friday, trying to bring calm to the situation.

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