Ladysmith: 5-year-old allegedly sexually assaulted by her father

The girl complained of pain in her private parts

Ladysmith KZN – Ladysmith Family Violence, Child Protection & Sexual Offences (FCS) Unit members are investigating a case of sexual assault after a five-year-old girl was allegedly sexually assaulted by her father.

It is believed that on Friday (September 25), the five-year-old was being bathed by her mother’s sister when she started complaining about having unbearable pain in her private parts.

The little girl told her mother’s sister that her father had touched her private parts and it was very painful.

Ladysmith police spokesperson Captain Bongani Nyathi said that police are still investigating at this stage and no arrests have been made as yet.

Also read: Ladysmith: Roosboom man found dead in donga

This incident comes after countless cases of children being sexually molested around Ladysmith…

An eight-year-old girl was raped while walking home alone from school in Matiwaneskop on August 31, after which a 30-year-old male suspect was arrested and is still in custody. The alleged rapist is a parolee who was previously arrested for raping an elderly woman.

Both these cases are developing stories and we will keep you updated…

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