
ESTCOURT: Municipal staff fear Covid-19 infection

"They were hiding it from us"

Municipal staff from the Local Economic Development (LED) and tourism offices were gripped by distress last week when they returned to work on Monday to find out that one of their colleagues had tested positive for the coronavirus (Covid-19).

Assuming that the office would be closed and the staff would be quarantined, some staff members were apprehensive as the day went on and it was business as usual. A staffer who asked to remain anonymous told the Estcourt News that “everyone knew that a colleague had tested positive during the weekend” and some staff had been in contact.

ALSO READ: Estcourt Correctional Services Centre identified as Covid-19 quarantine site for inmates

“We are very scared, but were told to continue working as if nothing had happened,” he said.

He added that municipal management was aware of the positive Covid-19 case, but “were hiding it”.

“They told us it was a community member and not a colleague who tested positive, which we know is not true. They were hiding it from us,” he commented.

The staff member added that a feeling of unease had settled over the office, with many fearing Covid-19 infection. Municipal Manager Patrick Mkhize was presented with the staff member’s concerns and questions, and confirmed that the local municipality was aware of the positive case.

“The municipality is aware of nine employees who have been in contact with an employee who tested positive for Covid-19,” said Mr Mkhize.

He went on to explain the procedure that is undertaken when a positive case is reported.

“Employees are monitored for seven days to check for symptoms. If employees show any symptoms, they are sent for testing and required to quarantine accordingly as per the outcome of their results; and if employees do not show any symptoms, they are not tested and continue with their normal duties,” he explained.

The municipal manager substantiated that in order to combat hiccups in service delivery, a programme of monitoring staff had been implemented.

“It should be noted that the municipality is engaged in vigorous testing, and most of the employees who come in contact with people who are Covid-19 positive have been previously tested. It is for this reason that the monitoring process is now being implemented to prevent exorbitant expenditure which might delay service delivery issues,” Mr Mkhize said.

He added that more than 70% of municipal staff have already been tested for Covid-19.

“The municipality is committed to saving lives and flattening the curve of Covid-19 positive cases. It is for this reason that all Covid-19 activities and challenges are reported to the District Technical Command Council, where all stakeholders report and engage on a weekly basis, including the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health,” concluded Mr Mkhize.

NOW READ: uThukela raises Covid-19 awareness in Weenen

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