Learner tests positive for Covid-19 at Ladysmith High School

The school will be closed for 3 days

Speaking to a Ladysmith Gazette reporter, Ladysmith High School (LHS) principal Mr Hugh Clark has confirmed that a learner has tested positive for the coronavirus (Covid-19).

The school has released a letter to inform the parents…

“We were able to conduct schooling for a month, with no coronavirus incidents to report, thanks to a concerted effort by all parties to prevent the spread of the disease. It was inevitable, however, that this highly contagious disease would, at some point, touch this school directly.

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“We have just received word that a Grade 11 learner has tested positive for Covid-19.

“All protocols will be followed to limit the risk of further infections.

“The Department of Education and Department of Health (DoH) have been notified. The DoH has requested that we close the school for three days as from Monday (July 13). The school will resume on Thursday (July 16).

“We will use this time to:

1. Allow the DoH to implement tracking, tracing and screening.

2. Thoroughly sanitize and disinfect the building.

“We will continue to monitor the efficacy of all our protocol measures to keep everyone at LHS as safe as is humanly possible,” stated  the letter released by the LHS principal.

In a telephonic interview, Mr Clark said that the DoH will visit the school tomorrow (July 13).

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