Church’s first expo a success

'The aim was to inspire learners, inform them on career opportunities in different sectors and empower them'.

Lolo Madonsela

The youth of Faith Mission Church in eMondlo pulled up their sleeves to assist learners on career guidance, before advancing to higher institutions of learning.

The church’s youth were assisted by Dr Sibongiseni Malinga in organising their first career expo. They said the aim was to inspire learners, inform them on career opportunities in different sectors and empower them.

“We are going to host another expo in mid-year, where we will have more stakeholders than we did today. This expo was mainly to inspire the children, to see that there are successful people coming from their very own communities. We had local speakers from different sectors such as finance, education, engineering, law and construction. We also had representatives from Nedbank speaking about funding and other representatives were from the University of KZN,” said Dr Malinga.

The church has promised more speakers from Government departments and higher institutions of learning at the next expo.

Also read: A career day for the schools in Mondlo

18-year-old Philile Xaba, a Grade 12 learner at Sekethwayo High School, said attending the expo opened her eyes about careers she could pursue.

“I came here because I wanted to know about my future and get first-hand information from people who are already working. I now know where to go and which steps to take going forward. When I came here, I thought I wanted to be in Human Resources but now I have changed my mind. I am going into medicine because I know what’s needed, what challenges there are and how to overcome them. This has been really helpful.”

Echoing her words was 21-year-old Thabani Zulu, also a Grade 12 learner at Sekethwayo High.

“This was really helpful and an eye-opener. Even though I was not swayed into changing my career of choice, which is electrical engineering, I learned however that if I did not pass Mathematics, there was no way I could upgrade my studies. It was great to hear from speakers who are already in the industry I am interested in. I am going to work extra hard to ensure I pass this year, so I can pursue the career I so love. We are very grateful to be given such information.”

Faith Mission Church’s Youth Committee said it would announce the date for the next career expo closer to the planned date.

Guest speaker on Mining Engineering Siphosenkosi Nene, learners from Sekethwayo High School Philile Xaba and Thabani Zulu together with the organiser, Dr Sibongiseni Malinga.

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