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Local matrics put in a good showing

Most schools in the greater Dundee area have shown improvement in matric results.

The Class of 2019 in the greater Dundee area put in a good showing, with most high schools recording improved final results.

Overall, the Umzinyathi District achieved a pass rate of 77,4%. The best achieving district in KZN was the Ugu District with an 86% pass rate.

Dundee High School recorded a pass rate of 94.5%, with Sarel Cilliers High pipping its old rival by the smallest of margins, recording a pass rate of 94.6%.

The top student for DHS was Monique Arends with 7 As, 1 B and 1 C symbol. Sandisiwe Dlomo was the top student at Sarel Cilliers with 5 As in Zulu, Maths Literacy, Life Orientation, Business Studies and Tourism. She will study law this year.

Talana Secondary reflected a slight decrease from a 73% pass rate in 2018 down to 65.5% in 2019. Ninety of the 143 candidates passed.

ML Sultan Glencoe Secondary School improved its results from 80% in 2018 to 82.1% in 2019. Sebenzakusakhanya High in Sithembile also showed great improvement, from a 41% pass rate in 2018 to 76,1% in this.

Dundee Secondary matrics notched up a 61,7% pass, up from last year’s rate of 57,3%. Only Ethangeni Combined School showed a decrease, with a significant drop from 86% in 2018 to 54% in 2019. However, top learner, Kwanda Mabaso earned four distinctions.

Wasbank’s Ebusi Combined School also did exceptionally well – all 36 candidates achieved a pass to give the school a clean matric record.

In Dannhauser, Durnacol Combined School also had a 100% pass rate and Dannhauser Secondary a rate of 98,2%. Siphuthando Cominbed School in Emafusini, which was badly damaged in a storm in November, returned a 100% pass rate with all 10 candidates excelling.

Sarel Cilliers learners eagerly scan through the list of results.
Ethangeni achievers celebrate with maths teacher, Mrs Mapalala (left) and Principal, Mr Botha (centre).

Read next week’s edition of the Courier for more on the matric results.

RELATED STORY: Counselling is available for matrics that need it


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