Welcome changes announced at Shepstone Place AGM

The home can prove a whopping R1.2 million was misappropriated but sweeping changes are planned

Shepstone Place Home for the Aged is striving to get itself back on track after the many shocking revelations and changes this year.

In June, the Estcourt News reported on the alleged fraud at the home, involving former administrator Debbie Potgieter.  Following that, tensions flared among residents, workers and even the community at large.

READ IT HERE: Former Shepstone Place administrator accused of fraud

The chair lady stepped down and several action meetings were held. Finally, last week Thursday, the annual general meeting (AGM) took place.

The dining area was packed with attendees. Interim chairperson Brian Greaves got the meeting underway, following a welcome, opening prayer and apologies.

Speaking about the criminal case against Mrs Potgieter, he said that since the case was filed in May, the investigating officer has handed over the docket to the prosecutor on August 3 and it is now with the regional prosecutor.

Mr Greaves compared the sheer volume of contents to that of a telephone directory.  He added that before Christmas, he planned to stop by to check on things and ask for the process to be accelerated, as everyone agreed that they want closure in the matter.

Regarding the civil case, the Home’s attorney was approached by Mrs Potgieter’s attorney with a settlement figure.

“We accept it, although it is way below what was taken…” Mr Greaves said.

One elderly resident then asked, “How much was taken?”  It was said that R1.2 million is what can be proven. 

Mr Greaves explained that “scraps” of money was taken in ways like having two receipt books, not using the carbon paper, and rentals which resulted in 400 journal entries in four years.  He added that car and home improvements were purchased on the home’s account.

“This left our debtors in shambles and opened up a can of worms. After the misappropriation of funds, we had to make some hard decisions and work on tidying up. One creditor was paid twice, with the second payment having a different account number,” told Mr Greaves.

Transparency was urged and Mr Greaves went on to thank the staff and residents, who he said were short-changed,
adding that staff were paid an under-market rate.

Listed among the many plans to improve the situation at Shepstone Place was to implement an increase for all staff, not increase the rentals, reimburse the staff, and
institute a provident fund and a flat rate bonus.

Member of staff and union representative Happiness Nkala spoke on behalf of the staff, saying,“We are happy. Everything Mr Greaves promised, he is working on. Thank you to the new administrator, Roline, who takes the time to listen to us. We are here because of the residents and we hope to work together.”

The attendees praised the nursing staff, the administrator, Mr Greaves, as well as the kitchen staff and handymen.
Then it was time for a new committee to be elected. Mrs Gama from the District Department of Social Development (DSD) gave some clarity on how many members can be elected and for which positions.

Resident at the home Chris Branken was unhappy to hear that residents will not be allowed to serve on the committee. He was against this and said it goes against the Older Persons Act.

DSD members explained that residents can form a committee and have a representative on the main committee to relay concerns, suggestions and issues.

Mr Branken was still not satisfied, saying it is stipulated in the Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) Act and Trust as well. The DSD explained that the residents are the beneficiaries of the home, which is an NPO, so therefore the beneficiaries cannot govern themselves and the committee needs to be filled by locals who want to volunteer to manage the running of the home.

Without electing a new committee, the attendees walked out of the meeting, grumbling and visibly  annoyed. Mr Greaves said he would contact the provincial DSD in the interim and see if a consensus can be reached.

SEE MORE: Shepstone Place trustees speak out

Local upset about alleged fraud at Shepstone Place

More revelations at Shepstone Place action meeting

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