
CBD sewer leaks flows on … two years later

Despite several reports to Uthukela District Municipality, a foul sewer leak continues to plague businesses in Albert Street

Frustration neared its climax two months ago regarding a two-year-old leaking sewer behind Philips Street.
The sight of this overflowing sewer is literally sickening, say those affected.

READ MORE HERE: Neglected sewer leak frustrates business owners

Despite businessman Shane Mothilal reporting the matter to uThukela District Municipality on numerous occasions, nothing has been done.

The Estcourt News has also forwarded these concerns to uThukela twice for a response. To date, no comment has been received.

Mr Mothilal reported that although his gutters are dry, the strong stench of the smelly sewer spillage is off-putting.

Muck, litter and human faeces continue to trickle from the drain.

“I have been monitoring the situation and even though my drains are dry, my biggest concern now is that when this mess can no longer be absorbed into the ground, it will be invading our drains,” explained Mr Mothilal.

A Simunye staff member echoed Mr Mothilal’s concerns, placing emphasis on the strong stench they have to endure on a daily basis.

NOW READ: WATCH: ‘Fixed sewer’ leaks again

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