
Watch: Police oppose bail for Nomaswazi Shabalala and Mondli Mabaso in the Oscar Hlatshawayo case

Police have a very strong case against all the suspects who were involved in the murder of the late Oscar Hlatshwayo

On Wednesday, June 05 the bail applications of the murder accused of the late Simingaye Oscar Hlatshwayo  took place in the Ladysmith Magistrate’s Court. The investigating officer,  Constable Muziwamandla Kubheka took the stand.

He started off by revealing that there are actually eight suspects who were involved in the murder of the late Hlatshwayo, he said bail should not be granted to Nomaswazi Shabalala and Mondli Mabaso, because if they were to be granted bail they would flee.


Also read:Nomaswazi Shabalala pleads not guilty in murder case of Oscar Hlatshwayo

Constable Kubheka said that he has a very strong case against all the suspects who were involved in the murder of the late Oscar Hlatshwayo including witness statements, video footage’s and cell phone records which implicates all the suspects in this case. There is a strong possibility that the case could be moved to the high court for trial and if the accused were to be sentenced they could get life imprisonment.

Constable Kubheka further revealed that there is CCTV footage which shows a red golf 7 (belonging to Mondli Mabaso) which went twice to the deceased house around 7:00 am on the day Hlatswayo was killed.

He proceeded by stating that there is other video footage showing exactly what happened at the scene of the shooting.

A red Golf 7, white Toyota corolla (belonging to accused number 4), a sky blue Hyundai and the deceased car (Blue Jaguar) are all visible in the video.

The video shows the doors of the white Toyota corolla opening and two men approaching Hlatshwayo’s car and then opening fire.

The video shows the deceased desperately trying to get away yet crashed into other vehicles.

Constable Kubheka said Hlatshwayo was declared dead at the scene.

Also read: Municipality serves Nomaswazi Shabalala with intention of suspension

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