Gordon Franks to headline Valentine’s Dance in Dundee

The evening will include performances by local musicians

Gordon Franks, Guitar Maestro & Entertainer Extraordinaire, will be performing at the Moth Hall on February 16 for the TnM Productions’ Valentine’s Evening.

The evening includes a sit down supper, with bar, and the programme will start with local artists performing, including Dundee High School’s Philippa Lee, who writes and performs her own songs.

Philippa will be backed by two veterans of the local musical circuit, Nash G and Mo Karim, previously of Inner Secrets. Local lass, Chrissy Williams, will also be putting in a powerful vocal performance on the night.

TnM Productions were grateful to have contacted and befriended Gordon Franks – a Gauteng based guitar maestro and entertainer (who is also a motivational speaker) – who has agreed to perform at the Valentine’s Dance at the Moth Hall, Dundee, on February 16.

Gordon was also keen to meet up with local musicians for a ‘jam session’ and to exchange musical ideas.  This resulted in him forming a musical alliance with Mo Karim, Nash Gopie and Philippa Lee.

All three will be performing at the Valentine’s Dance and we believe this will be the first of many such shows where local talent will be allowed to be showcased in Dundee.

Gordon recently made a trip under ‘his own steam’ to Dundee and was pleased to be in the town for the first time – although who is by birth a KZN boy.

Dundee is also privileged to have the Adonai Music Academy in the area where young and not so young can undergo first class musical training provided by classically trained musicians. The Academy has recently produced its first CD and was also commissioned to arrange and publish scores for a CD produced in New Zealand last year.

The vision is for the Academy to establish an Umznyathi Choir that will be able to perform at various events in the area and in that way enhance the tourism potential. The choir will operate on a non-profit basis.

TnM Productions is glad that musicians from the Adonai Music Academy will also give a performance on the night.

For tickets please call Mo at 0 73 719 2439

Mo, Nash G, drummer Mdu and Philippa

This will give the evening a musical blend of locally-based talent combined with the sounds of Gordon Franks who trained under George Benson in the United States.

Gordon recently made a trip under ‘his own steam’ to Dundee and was pleased to be in the town for the first time – although who is by birth a KZN boy.

“I love the people I have met here. Everyone has been so wonderful and welcoming. And, wow, to meet and hear Philippa sing and jam with Mo and Nash – great stuff. I am sure the Valentine’s Evening is going to be one to remember for all of us.”

Gordon had humble beginnings in Durban. Growing up in a communal style of living in the heart of Chatsworth where music was heard from pathways to street corners, the sound of the guitar gripped his attention. A burning desire for the instrument stimulated an interest to make his first guitar out of an oil gallon, stringing six pieces of Nylon (Guts) fixed onto a nailed piece of wood as the fret board.

Years later after a trip to the United States changed his life and a chance to be mentored by the legendary George Benson, Gordon became Nelson Mandela’s preferred choice as MC at events where Madiba would be.  Perseverance indeed. Dundee is honoured to have Gordon perform locally for the first time…

Gordon’s TV appearance


Q and A with Gordon

1 Who is Gordon Franks, where is he from and what makes him tick (interests)?

GORDON FRANKS was born in a tin shanty building in Clairwood Durban on 2th August as a GIFTED child to Eunice and Franks.  From the outset, I must admit no acceptance to take any credit or glory away from GOD for his talent that defined my destiny as a gift, which I appreciated amidst all the odds that came against me. Tracking the reigns of an unblemished two-decade career, GORDON FRANKS is affectionately recognized as a TV Radio & Media Personality, Touring Musician, Award Winning Guitar Maestro & Entertainer Extraordinaire, Recording Artist, Motivational Speaker and Author. At the pinnacle of a successful career stardom in KZN came an important call for a career appointment as executive producer for a Motivational TV Talk Show in Johannesburg. An immediate relocation to Sandton Johannesburg attracted a myriad of networking opportunities with influential Corporate, Government and Business executives. Turning passion into a profession, I have a burning desire to impact, influence and inspire people with my expertise in Music, Motivational Speaking and mentorship in Business or Success Coaching. 

2 When did you take an interest in music and how did you learn to play the guitar?

I grew up in a communal style of living in the heart of Chatsworth where music was heard from pathways to street corners. From 5 years old, I made my first guitar out of an oil gallon, stringing six pieces of guts (Nylon) onto a nailed piece of wood as the fret board.  Although the sound was fuzzy, it was an experimental homemade toy guitar that started an interesting musical exploration. Having a magnetic appeal to learn the guitar from an early age triggered an inspiration within to prove that my verve and musical virtuosity was unrestricted to any boundaries.

3 Who is your mentor and have you mentored anyone?

An introduction from a friend exposed me to George Bensons “Weekend In LA” record. It captivated my attention with a voracious appetite to appreciate the idiom of jazz to become a jazz aficionado. It marked a turning point in my life with a determined motivation to practice daily until the grooves of the record were worn out from constant overplay. The rewards became significant when my career zoomed into international prominence with an opportunity to enhance my music studies in USA as a protégé of George Benson and a string of Jazz Icons. The skills gained from such a rewarding experience shaped my musical destiny. Following my return to SA, it became evident that my influential presence in the musical industry attracted musicians across the country to seek my mentorship and musical expertise. It is a humbling opportunity for me to embrace calls from many musicians expressing how much they respect my accomplishment on the guitar requesting to learn in my academy.     

 4 Tell us about your guitar, your playing and the sound that you are renowned for?

In remembrance of my childhood years, I built a home made guitar from an oil gallon, it was a dream that turned out into a reality when I was blessed with a gifted signature Ibanez George Benson GB 10 guitar that remains my treasured masterpiece and a sentimental hallmark of inspiration as the cornerstone of my success. For three decades, my guitar has been a travelling soul mate inspiring me on this musical journey from a studio-recording artist to session and touring musician. It took me years of ardent practice to pioneer a clean guitar tone, develop speed and master the technical range on the guitar to the extent where my proficiency resonates my guitar improvisation with a melodic and distinctive appeal on any arrangement. The confidence of gaining a consummate musical vocabulary and total command on the instrument, it is rewarding to navigate the guitar with expressive perfection whilst stretching it to unexpected levels. I have such fun playing long flowing guitar phrases fused with shades of dazzling finger technique to stretch my virtuosity on guitar to unexpected virtuoso levels.

5 Do you sing and what other instruments do you play?

Yes I love singing, which I explored as a second gift to my guitar playing. It is within my range to add value to any event by offering my multi-faceted roles to anchor as a Celebrity MC and Entertainer blending between my vocals and guitar renditions.  Through the years, I figured it out that vocals appeals to the ladies whilst the guys prefer hearing me tear the guitar apart with all those fiery guitar riffs and technical skills. On my debut successfully released album “Frankly Speaking”, I performed Bass, Keyboards inclusive of my sequencing skills in programming the Drums. It was the craziest part of my life where I lived in the moment trying out my creative flowing juices. 

6 Who are you inspired by and why?

My fans and friends reading this know that my inspiration will always be my mentor George Benson, Stevie Wonder and Lionel Richie. However, I must credit my audiences by letting them know that they are the heartbeat of my performances keeping keep me on the edge to provide a fresh experience every time they listen to my music. Their responsive interaction inspires me to connect with how they are feeling. I adapt or even reinvent myself to fit into the mold of what is current or appealing to my fans. 


7 Tell me about the tour that you are currently busy with and what will your fans expect?

 With footprints on a national level, my career is solid with calls for bookings as a sought after Celebrity MC, Motivational Speaker, Guitar Maestro & Entertainer Extraordinaire. Since I am often engaged to MC events at all major provinces, I constantly keep in touch with people that love my music. The description of my music repertoire music is defined as a sophisticated palette of Timeless Classics, a Hybrid of Contemporary Chart Hits and Smooth Jazz. At my restaurant gigs, my music is soft at a conversational tone to create a warm ambience whilst the guests are engaged in their meals. A very subtle attempt is made to connect with my listeners by magnetically drawing them into my prowess to enjoy a seasoned performance. My new CD “Late Nite Guitar” raises the curtains for my SA Tour that includes Cape Town, PE, EL, Port Sheptstone, Durban, Pietermaritzburg, Newcastle and back home to Johannesburg. During my concert tour, I will be performing songs from all three of my albums “Frankly Speaking, “Late Nite Guitar” and “Timeless Classics”. One of the most compelling reasons that I perform my original interpretations of cover versions is to allow my audiences to relive the experiences of those artists who have inspired and sharped my musical identity. With each performance, I dig deep into my music repertoire to offer my audiences a fresh experience with a new interpretation.  Since i grew up with jazz and old school music being played in my home, I draw much of my musical inspiration from those timeless classics as collective gems. 

 8 What is the one question you wish people would stop asking you?

 Whenever I perform, my audiences seem to be amazed as to whether I am really playing the guitar. This is due to using a very high end Shure Cordless Guitar and Vocal Microphone. Based on my interactive style of being up-close and personalized with my audiences, they look at me in a suspicious manner obviously doubting that I am playing the guitar or singing. To add clarity, it requires me to stop the backing track and strum my guitar unplugged to alleviate their sneaky suspicion. On vocals, it becomes evident that I am really singing which is how I learned the technique of including people’s names into the vocal to make it personalized. At many occasions, I even joked by making reference to the tagline of Pioneer from back in the days which was “Everything You Hear Is True”. When my demonstration becomes evident to the audience that I am really playing, the response changes to being the marvel of a converted audience.

9 Do you aim for the never-ending pursuit of perfection or is it better to strive for completion?

Yes ! Gordon Franks Brand Identify statement is synonymous of being The SIGNATURE of Elegance Finesse and Par Excellence. The values of what I stand for, leaves no room for anything mediocre. Therefore, I don’t allow myself to be rushed into something for mere completion but I will take it to end by giving of my best attempt.   

How would like your fans locally and globally remember your legacy?

My journey continues even though it seems like a long hard climb to the top although I hear many voices telling me that I have already reached a noteworthy recognition off being a renowned successful person. My desire to reach higher remains unceasing with each attempt to escalate the staircase towards the TOP.   A prominent journalist once described Gordon Franks as a South African artist of International treasure whose name will be endorsed into SA’s history books and music hall of fame. On the night that I awarded the prestigious title of being a Joburg Legend, I performed with two of SA’s master saxophone players Barney Rachabane and Khaya Mahlangu. I called their attention to my admiration for their talents when I was in fledgling years. I always believed that my reach must be nothing mediocre than Platinum. In leaving a legacy behind, my incredibly inspiring success story is chronicled in my upcoming book Gordon Franks “The Designer’s Original”. The reader accompanies me on a journey to have an inside view of my experiences from poverty to prosperity and success to significance.

11 What are you currently working on for your fans?

Gordon Franks reflects the innovative skills of a fine-tuned artist and therefore he is constantly invited to perform at prominent Jazz Festivals and Concerts. With the reputation of such an illustrious career, he is keeping his sights open for prospective performance engagements on the international forefront as a medium of expressing himself globally with world music concerts.

12 Where do you see yourself in the years ahead from now?

Being attentive to taking advice from people who follow my music and attend my performances, it has been said that my music reflects the innovative skills of a fine-tuned artist making it evident why I am invited to perform at prominent Jazz Festivals and Concerts. With the experience that I have earned from an illustrious career, I am keeping my sights open for prospective performance engagements on the international forefront as a medium of expressing myself globally with world music concerts. Being a person who constantly writes my Goals and Dreams, it is no surprise to me that for 2019,  I have Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Italy and the UK in my radar. 

13 Are there any Charities close to your heart ?

Amidst a busy schedule, I remain committed to honour my humanitarian social responsibility with community projects, charity events, music workshops, youth mentoring programs and motivational speaking to improve the lives of the disadvantaged and physically challenged. There hasn’t been any aim for me to gain whilst pledging my expertise whether I am engaged to MC the event or as a Celebrity Entertainer. The unexpected rewards have often surprised me as a honourable recipient of countless awards, medals, accolades and appreciation certificates conferred upon me from government, institutions, community-charity organizations, corporate companies and private clients. For the benefit of the various charities that I have embraced, I still keep myself open to other charities to call on my with a turnaround response that I will partner depending on my diary.  

14 How did you come to be referred to as a Guitar Maestro & Entertainer Extraordinaire?

Returning from my international studies in USA, I worked hard and smart to stamp my presence in the music and entertainment arena securing as many gigs as I possibly could. With every successful performance, my brand was reaching the attention of prominent decision makers hosting high profile events. Apart from my music studies in USA, I invested in many Public Speaking Programs to sharpen my skills with Eloquence and Articulate Public Speaking Skills. Having dual personae of anchoring as a Celebrity MC and blending in as an Entertainer played in my favour by extending my brand to the right clients at the right time. My career zoomed into the spotlight as a preferred choice for Nelson Mandela in high profile events where protocol is of prime importance. It was a case of destiny being at the right place, at the right time for our revered icon to express his admiration for my prodigious talent as a “Guitar Maestro & Entertainer Extraordinaire”. The honour of such an epic moment with a treasured handshake from Nelson Mandela endorsed a testimonial in my heart that lives forever.  Adding to my resume, my brand reached an exclusive circle of dignitaries with sequel events for our former president Thabo Mbeki, Trevor Manuel, Pravin Gordhan, the top 100 CEO’s in SA, corporate companies and business executives.  

15 What has been your biggest achievement so far?

Through the years, I worked consistently hard and smart to stamp my presence in the music and entertainment arena. Blazing a trail to the top of the ranks, my resume continues to add value on an upward spiral. Whilst there has been many highlights throughout my career, the most recent news stands out as exceptionally significant. Following my loyal commitment to playing with George Benson Signature Guitars, it came as an absolute surprise to have a USA guitar luthier who makes guitars Earl Klugh and John Mclaughlin, design a custom made Gordon Franks Signature Model GF guitar. I cannot wait to finalize the arrangements to hold in my arms such a prized possession. There have been so many highlights and opportunities where I performed alongside some of the most talented musicians, artists, producers, politicians, movie stars, sporting personalities and influential icons. I have lived to see so much beauty that I wished to have lived in the ear of the great Picasso, Leonardo Da Vince, or Michael Angelo to paint the most beautiful world that I see through my eyes. Since music is an international language, as musicians we are fortunate to have a creative ingenious inside of us as our passport to share our gift across the lands and oceans.

16 What advice would you give to an aspiring artist?

My advice to young musicians and aspiring artists coming into the industry is to understand that making a living from your craft demands your total investment towards making it BIG or staying at home in your comfort zone. Be mindful that you choose Humility as your measuring stick to balance the attention that your ego is desirous to attract. Be both relevant in exceeding your audience expectations and integral to deliver on your promise of what is realistic. To ascertain what you want to become in life, it starts with identifying what you are passionate about, to the extent that you would do it without any expectation of money until you reach a point where your passion returns the rewards of not just being rich but wealthy. Regardless of how difficult it seems to get your voice heard with recognition, “Don’t Give In, Don’t Give Up, Give it your ALL or nothing at all. Turn your attention off to all the negative things out there and Turn Your Focus into believing that You are blessed with Seeds of Greatness to have, be, do or accomplish anything that you focus your attention into achieving. This cliché is making its rounds, “It is not what you know and who you know but rather Who Knows You”. Master your artistic craft by pitching your brand in such a compelling presentation that you make yourself unforgettable and irresistible.  If you believe that your talent must be heard to be appreciated, taking action will determine your results. Step out from your comfort zone to explore the opportunities staring you in the face. Never allow the negative opinions of others to determine your reality in life.

 What is Your Motto in life?

Our journey through life must be enjoyed as equally important as our destination. That can be determined by our association with Like Minded Positive Thinking people, the motivational books we read together with the choices and decision we make”. GORDON FRANKS –Quote from my book “The Designer’s Original”.


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