Sewer sludge takes over Estcourt golf course

A thick layer of green slime has almost entirely covered the surface of one dam

Set in idyllic surroundings with a sought-after course, Estcourt Golf Club is a popular choice for visiting and local players.

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However during the past three months, the club has been plagued by an incessant and foul leak. Effluent from neighbouring Roland Hellet Road is steadily flowing into the golf course, meandering through the streams and water features, until the putrid contents empties into the dams on the course.

A thick layer of green slime has almost entirely covered the surface of one dam. The odour is stomach churning.

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Estcourt Golf Club Captain George van Niekerk says that when the sewer leak was initially noticed about three months ago, several reports were made to the local and district municipalities.

To date, despite assurances and complicated explanations, the sewage is still pouring into the club and ultimately into the Bushmans River.

The sewage flowing into one the dams on the course.

SEE THIS: Sewage polluting river

Mr van Niekerk explained the ways that the neglected sewer leak is affecting the club and its members.

“The health and environmental problem this poses is very serious. We have wildlife and birds that use the dams. The players cannot retrieve their golf balls when it is hit into the dam; no one wants to go near the water. We had to play the Club Champs alongside this leak and we have the upcoming Estcourt Open. We want to invite visitors but they won’t want to play with this smell,” he said.

Mr van Niekerk hopes that the local and district authorities would speed up assisting in repairing the sewer leak, which seems to causing a trail of stink in its course from Roland Hellet Road and eventually to the South Coast of Durban, he says.

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