Operation H20 brings much-needed relief

Abdul Saeed, ops co-ordinator at Darul Ihsan, thanked the Dundee community for their assistance during this operation.

Fifteen thousand litres of water and blankets were distributed to needy people in the area through the Durban-based non-profit organisation, Darul Ihsan.
The project, carried out on November 13, was done in conjunction with the Dundee Muslim Youth Committee and the office of Mayor, Richard Mbatha.


Mayor, Richard Mbatha, handing out bottles of hope during the Operation H20 project.

The group visited needy residents at Stratford Farm and Dlamini Village at Sithembile.
Abdul Saeed, ops co-ordinator at Darul Ihsan, thanked the Dundee community for their assistance during this operation.
“On behalf of our Ameer, Mufti Z Bayat and the team at Darul Ihsan Islamic Centre, we place on record our sincere thanks and appreciation to all the brothers and their families, who assisted in the water distribution, for the lunch provided and for the cash contribution towards Operation H20,” he said. “Our thanks also to Moulana Y Kosadia for his time and effort in making this a huge success. His presence throughout was most appreciated.”

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