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SA State Security in talks with US regarding terror alerts

An official statement has been released by the Ministry of State Security concerning the terror alerts. Click on the link for more.

Minister of State Security, David Mahlobo recently released an official statement titled, “US alert noted and there is no need to panic.”

Also read: Minister of Police: “No need to panic”

“The South African government has noted the terror alert issued by the US Embassy in Pretoria over the weekend, which is part of the US government standard precautionary communication to its residents.”

“The security services of the country have liaised with the Americans on the concerns they have and these engagements will continue as part of the ongoing work.”

Minister Mahlobo said it is the responsibility of the South African security forces to ensure that all people within our territory are and feel safe.

“We remain a strong and stable democratic country and there is no immediate danger posed by the alert.”

Security services will continue to work on matters of violent extremism and terrorism amongst others, and ensure the safety of all citizens and residents.

Newcastle has been listed amoung the locations where terror group Al-Shabaab has been recruiting.

Mayor of Newcastle, Afzul Rehman claimed there was no hint of such happenings within the local Muslim community, who are a peace-loving community.

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