Help your child endure their homework with these top ten tips:

Many parents stress daily about how their child is coping in school. School work keeps piling up and it’s not like the work is getting any easier.

Many parents stress daily about how their child is coping in school. School work keeps piling up and it’s not like the work is getting any easier.

Below is a compiled list of homework tips to make that frustrating part of their day a breeze.

  1. Know the teachers:
Knowing your child’s class teacher, shows you have an interest in your child’s education.

It is very important as a parent to know all the teachers. Arrange meetings where you can familiarise yourself with them. Make sure the teachers understand you want the best for your child and will help anywhere possible to ensure they succeed in school.

  1. Create a homework area:
have an area or room in the house which is homework friendly.

Clear out a room or area of the house which will be homework friendly. Make sure the necessary items are there for the child to do his homework easily and comfortably.

  1. Eliminate distractions:
Make sure TV’s and cellphone’s are switched off. the less the child is distracted the better they can concentrate.

Make sure any distractions are switched off, such as cellphone’s, TV’s and even the dogs should be outside. The more quiet the area is the better your child can concentrate on their work.

  1. Let them do the work themselves:
Do not do the work for the child. Explain what they need to know and let them do the rest.

Many people don’t have the patience to deal with homework, leaving the parents to do all the work for them. This should not happen! You may guide and explain to the child what to do, but it is their responsibility to do the work themselves. How else will they learn if it is done for them.

  1. Create a homework schedule:
Creating a homework schedule helps the child relax and keep their concentration level up.

Nobody wants to sit for hours on end doing homework. Draw up a schedule with homework times. This gives them enough time to relax, but also to keep the concentration levels up.

  1. Monitor and motivate:
The more you motivate your child the more they are going to want to succeed.

Again this comes down to not doing the work for them. Check up on the child every half hour or so to see how they are doing. Explain the things they do not understand and just double check they are doing their work correctly. A child feels more proud knowing he accomplished great marks by doing the task themselves.

  1. Lead by example:
If you have a positive attitude towards work, your child will do the same.

Children listen and observe so much more than we know. If you are one to complain about doing work or house chores your child too will develop such an attitude towards their work. Make sure you speak positively about anything you do around your child. Let them understand school and homework is supposed to be fun.

  1. Praise their work:
Children want to be recognised for work well done. Make sure you show your child you are proud of them regularly.

Children want to be recognised for the work they do. Praise them often if they are doing a great job with their work. However, you should also let them know if you feel they are slacking.

  1. Make sure they’re prepared:
There is nothing more frustrating than having to run around looking for stationary. Make sure your child has everything they need in their homework zone.

Make sure your child has everything they need to do their homework uninterrupted. Stationary, water and even a snack should be prepared before they start their homework.

  1. Approach teachers if there is a problem:
If you feel there is a concern in your child’s school work, approach their class teacher and discuss new ways of helping them.

If you feel after all your attempts that your child is still battling with his/her homework, it would be best to consult their teacher. Together you could come up with new ways of helping or find other ways to approach the problem.

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