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Keeping your children safe is a year-round priority, not only during school holidays

If your child has to leave the house for whatever reason, ask that they call you once when they leave and again when they have arrived at their destination


 Parents and caregivers should make the safety and security of their children a priority throughout the year, and not only give it specific attention during school holidays.

 As schools break today for the end of the 3rd academic term, this may pose a challenge for parents who will worry about the safety of their children while they are at home for the 9-day holiday.

“Nothing you do will ever completely remove that feeling of worry about whether or not your child is safe. But you can at least do everything you can to make sure your child knows what to do when things go wrong, and what actions to avoid to try and limit any harm,” said ADT Security’s KZN District Manager, Ivan Govender.

“Educating your child about the following basics will go a long way towards keeping them safe”, said Mr Govender.

  1. If your child will be alone at home during the holidays, make sure they keep all doors locked and that they do not allow anyone to enter the property without permission. They must also know how to activate and de-activate any security systems you have installed, especially the panic buttons.
  1. Keep a list of important emergency telephone numbers close to your telephone, including the numbers for your local SAPS station and your neighbours. If your child has their own cell phone, make sure these emergency numbers are pre-programmed in their contact lists.
  1. If you usually drive your child to the home of a friend who lives in the same neighbourhood, rather walk the route with them before they have to do it on their own. Explain that it is better to walk a slightly longer route down familiar streets, where there is more activity, than taking short-cuts across fields or deserted areas.
  1. If your child has to leave the house for whatever reason, ask that they call you once when they leave and again when they have arrived at their destination. Make sure they know that if they do happen to find themselves in an unfamiliar street, they should look out for a police or security officer to help them. They must know to never accept help from a stranger.

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