Fraudster to serve jail time

Altogether, the fraud amounted to the value of R589,605.60

Kenneth Simelane was recently sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment for fraud.

During 2007, the Department of Social Development, in conjunction with the then chairperson of the Khayalethu Green Point Trust, decided to establish a soup kitchen and an HIV centre in the Greenpoint area of Bergville.

The chairperson transferred funds from one account to another account and later into his personal account. He then obtained a cheque account and continued his fraudulent actions by transferring cheques into it.

Altogether, his fraud amounted to the value of R589,605.60.

The fraud was discovered and a case docket was registered for investigation. Captain AH Ramlagan, commander of the Ladysmith Detective Service Centre, conducted the investigation.

The court case came to a close when the accused was found guilty on Monday, August 31, in the Ladysmith Regional Court.

68-year-old Simelane was sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment, suspended for 5 years. He was also ordered to repay an amount of R200,000, which will have to be paid to the Department of Social Development.

Simelane has been declared unfit to possess a firearm as well.

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