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Van der Bijl Street to become grazing grounds

Allegations recently surfaced, regarding a municipal employee building a kraal in an open field along Van der Bijl Street

Van der Bijl Street is expected to take on a farm-like appearance in coming months.

This comes after allegations recently surfaced, regarding a municipal employee building a kraal in an open field along the street.

According to Muzi Shuzi, Director of Housing and Land, these allegations were not entirely untrue. “A piece of land was allocated and leased in the area for grazing purposes, however, the individual was not authorised to build a kraal,”

Mr Shuzi said the official was instructed to break down the kraal.

A business owner, who wished to remain anonymous, felt the presence of cattle would infringe on health regulations.

Mr Shuzi disagreed.

“In terms of the municipal by-laws, land can be allocated for grazing purposes, but such land should not be in the close proximity to residential areas. This is done to protect Council’s land from illegal and unlawful invasion,” he explained.

Mr Shuzi assured the livestock would not endanger motorists.

“The condition for the lease is very clear, in that the leased land should be properly secured in terms of fencing,” he concluded.

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