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Project Baby- a success

Students of Mabasa High School are saying no to teenage pregnancy

They were finally relieved to have their ‘babies’ taken away after two weeks of parenting. Students of Mabaso High School said they have had enough of taking care of ‘their babies’ (these are dolls given to them as part of the Life Orientation project). They said these babies took most of their time and they sometimes came late from school because everywhere they go they had to take care of this baby.

Project baby, as it is called it is headed by the KwaZulu-Natal Department of education in trying to minimise teenage pregnancy in schools. Yesterday’s the Umzinyathi department of education went back to the school to review the results as to how the project has impacted on the students, teachers, parents as well as the community at large.

The department was thrilled with the response they have received as they said “ it has produced what they were hoping to achieve.” Students indicated that they did not want to have babies while in school. “It was difficult to take care of a baby doll, it means a real baby is worse than what I have experienced,” said student Amen Mlangeni.


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