Sports galleriesVryheid Herald

Sakkie on ‘all fours’ at trail run

The runners had to do the hilly sections on ‘all fours’

Sakkie Spangenberg of Vryheid recently completed the Glencairn Trail Run close to Underberg and Sani Pass. The run is held over two days, in a stage format. It’s a super weekend of running, eating, sleeping – repeat! What more could a runner ask for? Sakkie reports that the area had a lot of rain on Friday, prior to the run, and that on Saturday morning, they actually ran in the rain. This made the trail routes very technical and slippery. The runners had to do the hilly sections on ‘all fours’, as well as a few river crossings each day. But as always, the hills gave way to beautiful Drakensberg views on the top of each climb, making it all worthwhile. The event saw some 750 entrants taking part over the weekend, who were spoilt with good food, excellent sleeping arrangements and well-serviced warm showers – making it a most enjoyable weekend out in beautiful surroundings. The venue also boasted a 24-hour coffee station with rusks and other delicious eats. Even on the trail runs, the athletes were spoilt with aid stations, stocked with eats and refreshments, as well as excellent goody bags on arrival. Congratulations to Sakkie for completing the 20km route on Saturday and 19km on Sunday, in style and in good spirits.

ALSO READ: Long distance trail running – how to prep, push through and finish on top

The news provided to you in this link comes to you from the editorial staff of the Vryheid Herald, a sold newspaper distributed in the Vryheid area.

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