Dundee Courier

Glam Guru Hannon wows ladies of the Dundee area

“People tend to think that beauty is paired with vanity, but beauty can be used in my profession and with my talent to make a difference in a non-profit organisation that wouldn't have had the necessary resources otherwise. I believe that you cannot receive anything with a closed hand. I don't do this because I want recognition or reward for it. I do it simply because of gratitude that I can do it.”

Television personality, makeup artist and stylist, Hannon Bothma (also known as Glam Guru) wowed local ladies on Wednesday evening when he hosted a show to remember in aid of the Dundee SPCA.

Accompanied by Madeleine Pretorius, herself a makeover artist, life coach and chairperson of the South Coast Chamber of Commerce (among many other titles), the show revealed how simple beauty tips can make the most stressed and busiest of ladies always look good.

“If you feel good outside, you shine inside,” was the message as the ladies hung on to Hannon’s every word, and he mesmerised his audience in the Dundee Junior School hall.

Asked how he felt about going to ‘small towns’ and how ‘could platteland ladies’ relate to the fashions of the cities, Hannon said ‘ladies from these small towns are my market.’

“It is a privilege for me to come to towns like Dundee. I have developed my Hannon hair, skin and other products for these hardworking, active ladies who want to look good for themselves and their partners. I am also from a small drop – Vryburg – and I know that to look good does not mean that you have to keep up with trends.”

Famed for transforming any woman into a princess within minutes, Hannon said his ‘secret’ is not really a secret at all.

“Every woman is different – each with her own imperfections and outstanding characteristics. I consider the potential of each one, overlook the blemishes and emphasise her natural beauty. By focusing on these strong points, any lady can be transformed.”

Turning to life in 2024 with its stresses and strains and fast pace, Hannon the best makeover is a natural smile on a bright face. “Even a little bit of lipstick or delicate make-up can change the way you feel about yourself. That’s why we have these products.”

Asked how he keeps up with the whirl of new fashion trends that constantly arrive, Hannon said because he is in the fashion industry, he keeps in touch with fashion editors and world trends and is frequently traveller. “Sometimes it may take two years for a trend to hit South Africa. But that does not mean that all trends will fit here. You have to consider the practicalities and remember that especially in our smaller towns our ladies are active and work hard. That trend must fit their lifestyles.”

Well-known for his charitable spirit (the Dundee event was a fundraiser for the SPCA) Hannon said he is ‘grateful for having received his ‘unique talent for free’.


Hannon Bothma in discussion.



It was certainly a night to remember for the ladies looking to feel good about themselves – inside and out…

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