Dundee Courier

New cabinet appointments give Dundee district farmers ‘a spring in their step’

“One of the most important points is that with the wide and conservative mix of ministers, the conversation will be very broad, with a lot of the big decisions having to go through an acid test before anything is just passed.”

Farmers in the Dundee district do not expect a light switch change with the announcement that John Steenhuisen was appointed as Minister of Agriculture and Rosemary Nokuzola his deputy. Andrew Adams of the Dundee Farmers Union said in an interview with the Courier that agriculture had been progressing well under past minister Thoko Didiza – however, he added that the new appointment brings further hope and support to promote productive agriculture.

“From an agriculturalist-on the-ground opinion, there are several points that could be beneficial to us in the new term of ‘different governance’.

Adams said he hopes that there will be stronger border controls in restricted areas where disease (especially foot and mouth) and stock theft are encountered. This will hopefully tighten up on animals being imported into our very fragile market from other countries.

The SADEC agreement will not be stopped, but we hope for more control of animals coming in and leaving the country, going forward. We hope this has a positive spin-off on the weaner price.

“A strong border here will eradicate that disease and risk going forward.” Stronger agriculture equals a stronger economy Adams believes this stability will allow for more secure commercial and industrial farmer infrastructure growth in agriculture, to ensure a better GDP.

“Agriculture has every ability and probability to now be the driving force in GDP gains in the country again. “Corruption was believed to be prevalent in agriculture pre-elections, and we are led to believe that Mr Steenhuizen will cut down hard on corruption.

Andrew Adams

“This will ensure productivity in the sector. We hope this ‘cutdown’ also flows through to other departments. With the array of different ministers from all the GNU parties, all parties are probably out to prove a point and a clean-up in all departments is imminent. The brooms will be swept and there should be a combined drive to make sure that all employees are driving for productivity in all departments.

“Agriculture is the base of any economy and can also be a catalyst for positive employment increases. This is possible if the right policies are put in place. With an increase in employment on farms, farm security and productivity will also be strengthened.

“There was a saying that if the Blue Bulls and Western Province rugby teams were strong, the Springboks would be strong. It is also the opinion that if agriculture is strong, the country will be strong. “However, we know change is usually slow, so we don’t expect change like a light switch being switched on. We are here to stay and a farmer has lots of patience. “Generally, Dundee farmers are looking forward to the new mix of ministers and we are farming with a bit of hope in our hearts and a spring in our step. “We hope that we can be productive again.”

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