Local newsVryheid Herald

Paulpietersburg municipality under the spotlight after Audit-General’s report

eDumbe Local Municipality (ELM) showed a total income of R245.7 million for 2021/22 and an ‘Unqualified With Findings’ audit report

AfriForum Paulpietersburg branch chairperson Martin Dedekind submitted a written request for AfriForum to be part of eDumbe’s IDP. This after eDumbe Local Municipality (ELM) showed a total income of R245.7 million for 2021/22 and an ‘Unqualified With Findings’ audit report. This is an improvement from the previous financial year, but AfriForum is concerned about the following:

1. Unauthorised Expenditure of R122.7 million;

2. Irregular Expenditure of R28.6 million; and

3. Fruitless & Wasteful Expenditure of R7.9 million.

The average number of days to pay ELM creditors was 111 in 2021/22, whereas Section 65(2)(e) of the MFMA dictates that ‘all money owed by the municipality be paid within 30 days of receiving the relevant invoices unless prescribed otherwise for certain categories of expenditures’.
The AGSA report indicates that 82% of debt in ELM is irrecoverable, with an average debt collection time of 196 days.
Maintenance expenditure was 4.7% and R6.1 million. National Treasury guidelines (MFMA Circular No. 71) require an 8% allocation to infrastructure, plant and equipment maintenance. AfriForum requests an urgent allocation of 11% to improve the life-span of critical equipment affecting service delivery.
The AGSA reports show a 37% vacancy in the Financial Unit. These posts are of critical importance and require urgent attention.
Internal control is of great concern and needs urgent attention. The following concerns were also raised by the AGSA:

1. Record keeping;

2. Daily and monthly controls; and

3. In-year and year-end reporting.

The following concerns were identified by the community of Paulpietersburg:

1. Electricity network and supply challenge:
eDumbe Local Municipality wants to develop local business and economics. To achieve this goal, the electrical supply network is a key. The IDP shows an ageing electricity network, but there are no plans to upgrade the current network. Therefore, AfriForum requests that the electricity network receives fund allocation.
AfriForum is currently keeping records of all power interruptions and the reasons for these interruptions. AfriForum will engage with ELM to improve the electricity supply network, but will also approach NERSA for relief to minimum standards of service delivery.

2. The bad state of roads in residential and industrial areas:
Roads in ELM were recently rebuilt and are still in the process of construction. AfriForum wishes to forward their appreciation to ELM for the road rebuilding programme. AfriForum is, however, concerned about the progress and quality of workmanship. AfriForum will consider a PAIA application to the street project tender process and engineer designs.

3. The cleanness of the town:
eDumbe is one of the four main entrances into KwaZulu-Natal. One should therefore acknowledge that the R33, which is the town’s main road, should be in a good state. The cleanliness of the town, for this reason, should be well addressed. Bad roads will not attract investors and tourism. AfriForum does not see any effort from the IDP to improve the above two issues. Again, AfriForum wants to express that property rates are a contribution to services such as grass cutting and therefore, the residents of Paulpietersburg do not accept the condition of the town’s gardens, parks and streets.

4. Communication with the community:
This concern just confirms the importance of a Community Forum.

5. By-laws not implemented:
AfriForum learned from the IDP of how many by-laws are drafted but not approved. The by-laws are an important way of income for the municipality and should get approved and gazetted.

6. Refuse dumpsite:
AfriForum does a yearly audit of the eDumbe refuse dumpsite and it fails miserably. It is not registered and is an illegal operation managed by eDumbe Municipality.

7. Safety:
a) Since August 2021, Vryheid experienced a huge spike in burglary, theft and attacks. This can be attributed to streetlights not working, as 73% of all the lights in town were out of order. This has since changed and AfriForum would like to thank the Electrical Department for repairing the lights and that they supplied some new installed lights in areas where previously no lights were installed. Streetlights are very important in the fight against crime.

b) Electrical substations and uncovered meters: Some of these substations have broken doors or the doors are standing open because the locking mechanisms are broken. These are becoming a major safety hazard and must be fixed before we have an accident.

8. Public toilets:
Residents are complaining about the public relieving themselves against every wall and every tree, all over Voortrekker Park, and it is becoming a disgrace for the town. On the other hand, where must these people go if we have no public toilets available in town? We have a toilet building in Voortrekker Park, which has been upgraded not long ago, and we have toilets at the taxi rank, which also have been upgraded and cost a large sum of money. These two facilities in the town centre are not functioning as they should, the reason being they are not manned and kept clean when they are open to the public. If you want a toilet to function correctly, you need a person in charge constantly. The municipality must give these toilets to a private operator and include the toilets at the dam. The municipality erected these toilets and we cannot let them go down the drain due to people who misuse these facilities.

9. Sewage:
Although sewage is not the responsibility of eDumbe Municipality, if not managed properly by ZDM, eDumbe Municipality must act on behalf of the residents. We have various sites where sewage is dumped on the streets. ZDM must contact the owners and instruct them to rectify the incorrect sewage system on their property. If no response to the request is given, they must be prosecuted. They are causing a health problem in our town.

10. Accounts department:
Ratepayers have a huge problem with the accounts department and it needs to be resolved. Someone at the accounts department is needed who can make a decision and resolve a problem or fault within 30 days and not 12 to 24 months. No business can survive if the accounts department is not functioning correctly, as finance is the heart of any organisation.

11. Disaster management:
Cattle are grazing along the only airstrip in Paulpietersburg. This airstrip is equipped with the necessary reservoirs to fill airplanes during the fire season and for crop spraying in the summer.
AfriForum requests that this problem be addressed for the security of its residents and agriculture sector of ELM.

12. Pound:
The Paulpietersburg community is in need of an operational pound according to the KwaZulu-Natal Pound Act, 2006. Act 3 of 2006.
According to the South African Police Service (SAPS), the vacancy of pounds in municipalities is a contributing factor to stock theft in the province.

ALSO READ: Zishiyelane inkundla izintombi kuyngoma kashemeni eDumbe

The news provided to you in this link comes to you from the editorial staff of the Vryheid Herald, a sold newspaper distributed in the Vryheid area.

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