Dundee Courier

Dundee Rotary Club hosts international dentists to fill a great need

Some of the children told the Courier that it was the first time they had been to a dental clinic and had learned a lot when visiting the clinic.

Dundee’s Rotary Club, in collaboration with voluntary teams of Medicine Arm in Arms Incorporated based in the USA, filled a great need for deserving schoolchildren by holding a fully-equipped dental clinic at Dundee Junior Primary School last week.

The week-long clinic provided dental care to reduce the incidence of dental disease by providing oral health education and dental treatment, restoration, fissure sealants and extractions for children between the ages of 6 and 13.

Bev Garner said the dental clinic is a regular Rotary project that aims to provide dental care for children affected by tooth decay, infections of the mouth, and small oral lesions.

“The aim was, of course, to also provide basic dental hygiene services and education to children.”
The Dundee Rotarians hosted 16 professional dentists and assistants from the USA and Finland, who performed fillings and extractions for over 322 children in the Endumeni District.

The Medicine Arm in Arms organisation was founded in 2000 and has provided services to Dundee every two years to help children from rural areas with healthcare.

Pro Nobis students were treated at the school premises to prevent the learners from being afraid of a different environment. They were also taught dental hygiene and dental care.

Brave pupils from Battlefields Primary are off to see the dentist!
The fully equipped dental clinic operated at Dundee Junior.
Doing screening on a learner.

“Rotary Club Dundee would like to thank the following stakeholders in the successful project held in Dundee this week: Medicine Arm in-Arms Inc, Dundee Provincial Hospital, Department of Education – Umzinyathi District, Orange Grove, Glencoe Primary, Dundee Junior, Jeff’s Service and Tristar, and many others,” said Rotarian Johann du Plessis (project co-ordinator), who continues to do a sterling job.
The clinic screened thousands of children at local schools and referred some 360 from eight schools. After the clinic was over, 322 learners had been treated and a few were referred for further treatment at Dundee Hospital.

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