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Getting back to work after the holiday season

It's back to reality

Wondering how you can mentally prepare yourself for work after you return from a vacation?

Here are 5 tips to help ease your stress levels and adjust your state of mind when you get back to the grindstone after the Christmas holiday.

1. Read emails before you go to work in the morning

Upon your return, you may need to do a lot of reading to catch up on everything that’s happening at work. Instead of reading 1000 new unread emails on the day you return, you could dedicate 30 minutes every day in the morning to stay updated with work, so you don’t feel too overwhelmed.

2. Take an extra day off if you need to recover from jet-lag

Dealing with jet-lag is one of the worst ways to start your first day back in the office. Jet-lag could make you disoriented, lethargic and irritable throughout the day.

If you’re coming back from a place with a different time zone, try to regulate your sleeping pattern a day before you get on the return flight. Alternatively, take an extra day off to recover from jet-lag so you can adjust your sleeping patterns before you resume work. If it’s difficult to fight sleepiness during the day, distract yourself with housework or grocery shopping to stay awake until the sun sets.

3. Make a to-do list

Ease your way back to work by making a priority list on the return flight, and another one after you’ve gone through all your unread emails. Instead of replying to emails immediately, take the time to read them to understand the progress of each project to get a better idea of the tasks you need to prioritise.

Rather than saying yes to every request, work with your team to align and prioritise the important tasks with nearer and non-negotiable deadlines. You can even request for an extension or delegate the task to someone else in the team who has the bandwidth to support you.

Remember, it’s all about the quality of your work and not the quantity!

4. Take short breaks throughout the day

You should always prioritise your mental health and learn how to effectively manage your stress levels. Being stressed makes you more prone to making mistakes, which isn’t what you want.

Taking regular breaks is necessary for a healthy body and mind. If you’re someone who needs reminders to do so, set them up in your work calendar. Make yourself a cup of tea during these breaks to help you feel more relaxed and put yourself in a better mood.

You can also snack on some energy-efficient food such as granola bars and bananas to boost your energy level when you feel tired in the afternoon. You may be tempted to get a cup of coffee to stay awake during the day, but bear in mind that caffeine in the afternoon might cause you to stay up at night again.

Remember to end work on time so that your mind can wind down and prepare you for a good night’s sleep. The last thing you should be doing is working 10 hours on your first day back at work. Leave the non-critical tasks to other days, or delegate to your team members if possible.

5. Socialise and catch up with your colleagues

It’s always a good idea to take some time to catch up with your colleagues to maintain your work relationships. After an amazing holiday, there must be lots you want to share with them, or souvenirs you would like to give them. Communication with your colleagues can also help you get up to speed with what’s happening at work while you were away, and reduce your stress levels.

The news provided to you in this link comes to you from the editorial staff of the Ladysmith Gazette, a sold newspaper distributed in the Ladysmith area.

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