CrimeNewcastle Advertiser

Newcastle SAPS offer latest crime statistics

Newcastle SAPS Corporate Communications Officer, Lizzy Arumugam sheds some light on the crimes that had taken place within the month of October.

  • A woman was robbed of her cellphone when she was held at knife point while walking on a road in the Pat area, Dannhauser district, on the evening of October 20. Her attacker fled and the victim contacted the Dannhauser police who are investigating a case of robbery.
  • There was a similar incident reported in the Scrapcore industrial area the following evening when a man was confronted by three men who threatened him with a knife before making off with this wallet and cellphone. Another man was also reported to have been threatened at knife point by three men who confronted him in the same area. He too was robbed of his cellphone and wallet
  • A man was robbed of money when he was held at knife point while on his way to a bus stop in the Osizweni area at around 11am on October 20.
  • A man was threatened with a firearm before he was robbed of money while he was walking in Kirkland Street at around 19:45 on October 20. Newcastle Detectives are investigating a case of robbery.
  • A man was stabbed when he was confronted by five men while walking near a cemetery in the Osizweni area in the evening of October 21.
  • Four armed men made off with cash, computers and cellphones when they threatened employees who sleep in the factory premises.
    Newcastle SAPS said the men, three of whom wore balaclavas, entered the factory on Guttenberg Street at about 2am. The gunmen took the employees to a room where they were tied up with charging cables.
    They demanded money, threatening to kill them if they did not show them where the money was kept. The men later fled and the alarm was then raised.
  • A shop on Guttenberg Street was also the scene of a robbery at around 12.20 on October 22 when a shopkeeper and a colleague were confronted by four men. One drew a firearm while the other three came behind the counter to bind the man hands of both men.
    They made off with cash, a cell phone, cigarettes, cosmetics and airtime.
  • A laptop was stolen from out of vehicle parked on Voortrekker Street on October 3. SAPs are investigating.

The news provided to you in this link has been investigated and compiled by the editorial staff of the Newcastle Advertiser, a sold newspaper distributed in the Newcastle area. Please follow us on Youtube and feel free to like, comment, and subscribe. For more local news, visit our webpage, follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and request an add on our WhatsApp (082 874 5550).

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