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Mighty men descend on Estcourt

The Mighty Men Conference aims to encourage men to take their rightful place to bless the people in their lives

In 2003, the Lord laid it on Angus Buchan’s heart to mentor young men. And so the ‘Mighty Men Conference (MMC)’ was born and has been held annually ever since.

The Estcourt MMC was held on June 25, attracting hordes of Christian men from far and wide to come and further strengthen their faith.

As the main speaker at Sunday’s family day session, Angus delivered a powerful message to hundreds of people from the Estcourt community and beyond.

Angus says that the message the Lord gave him was to teach men to be Christian leaders in their own households. He explained that, as ‘prophets’, men have the great privilege of speaking the words of God to their families.

As ‘priests’, men can pray and intercede before God for their families. As ‘kings’, men can lead, provide for, and defend their families. But that is not to say that men are more important than women, says Angus.

The MMC aims to encourage men to take their rightful place to bless the people in their lives.

“Things go well when men walk in the way of Jesus. Since 2003 and the initial events on Shalom Farm, the MMC has grown far beyond what we could have imagined – Mighty Men Conferences are happening worldwide. Events are run by independent organisers who meet once a year at Shalom Farm to be further encouraged with the significant task on their hands.”

The MMC message is simple:-

Men need to be Godly examples in the workplace. Whether on the sports field, in the factory, on the farm, at college or university, they must lead by example.

– Physical, spiritual and mental attitudes towards life must convey the fragrance of Jesus Christ in everything. Our lifestyles must match up with what we say.

– Men must understand that they are responsible for their family, community and nation. Men are encouraged to be good fathers, good husbands, good leaders and good citizens for the benefit of the Kingdom of God.

– Men must be responsible when it comes to the management of finances, moral standards and Biblical principles.

– Value God’s opinion above all others. Scripture must qualify everything we say.

The MMC is a time for men to come away to meet with Jesus and be taught, encouraged and strengthened in God,  families flourish; women are respected, loved and protected; and children thrive. The final Sunday session was for the whole family, women included.


Photos by Shane Peel

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