Dundee Courier

New general takes the Dundee Cluster hot seat

Asked to describe her leadership style, Slambert said she is a person who values discipline and hard work.

Major General Francis Slambert has been appointed as the new SAPS Cluster Commander for the Umzinyathi District.
Maj Gen Slambert, a mother of two daughters (and one grandchild), celebrated her birthday and 33 years in the police force last week.
She joined the SAPS as a constable in Ladysmith in 1990 and has worked her way up the ranks. She was the first ‘coloured female’ from the Uthukela District to be promoted to Brigadier in 2009. Slambert also worked as a Station Commander at Pietermaritzburg’s Mountain Rise police station in 2011, among other things.

Slambert also does not hide the fact that there are corrupt SAPS officials.
“We do have rotten apples among our ranks who do not follow our policies, such as using state vehicles for personal use, which is completely unacceptable,” she said.
She added that because state resources are limited, these officers should be reported. “My door is always open; I encourage the community to report such cases and have concrete evidence to show me, such as photos or a video, and I will definitely investigate,” she stated emphatically.
Slambert confirmed that all station commanders have official cellphones and can be reached in an emergency or to report instances of corruption.
Asked to describe her leadership style, Slambert said she is a person who values discipline and hard work.
“I am an open book and I have no hidden agendas. I also trust a person until they give me a reason not to,” she said.

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