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A light of hope on World Aids Day

A remembrance ceremony was held in memory of those affected by HIV/Aids

World Aids Day is commemorated every year on December 1 to remember and give hope to those affected by HIV/Aids.

At Haviland Memorial Clinic in Weenen, a candle-lighting ceremony was held on November 30. A Light of Hope was lit in memory of lost loved ones and those living with HIV/Aids.

Ward convenor Nompilo Ndebele with the Light of Hope during the candle-lighting ceremony.

During the ceremony, patients and locals were given valuable health-related information, as well as access to the services provided at the clinic.

Among those who attended the World Aids Day commemoration were Cllr Mkhize, ward convener Nompilo Ndebele, clinic management Sister Dunn and Mrs Mhlanga, as well as Pastor Mvelase.

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