MunicipalVryheid Herald

Ethics Committee declares ALM officials unfit for office

“The deliberateness and seriousness of the Hon Cllr Maphisa and Hon Cllr Mazibuko’s misconduct leads to a conclusion by the committee of their unfitness to continue holding their offices, as office-bearers of Abaqulusi Council.”

An investigative report from the Ethics Committee has found AbaQulusi Mayor Mncedisi Maphisa and Deputy Mayor Mandla Mazibuko unfit to run office.

The investigation was initiated after it was alleged that the mayor was using a hired car and an extra bodyguard without council resolution.

Various allegations were levelled against the mayor, where he was also accused of delaying the hiring of a municipal manager. It was alleged that the mayor had his car fitted with blue lights as well, which is not permitted. The committee could not reach a finding on the allegations that the mayor assaulted a man, together with his bodyguards, since there is already a pending investigation by the SAPS after charges were laid against the mayor and his bodyguards.

Deputy Mayor Mazibuko was accused of using a municipality-owned vehicle to transport a councillor to Ulundi, and the speaker of the municipality was accused of neglecting his duties by making sure that all offences levelled against the mayor and deputy mayor were squashed.

The Ethics Committee said that hiring an extra bodyguard and a car was tantamount to fruitless and wasteful expenditure at a time when the municipality is facing serious service delivery challenges.

The report, seen by the Vryheid Herald, reads that: “The action of appointing an extra VIP Protection guard and back-up vehicle by Hon Mayor was in contravention of KZN Cogta Circular No: 33 of 2020 in that no SAPS threat analysis was carried out and Section 32(1)(d) of the MFMA in that it exposed the municipality to unauthorised irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure to an amount of R513,063.30.

“The deliberateness and seriousness of the Hon Cllr Maphisa and Hon Cllr Mazibuko’s misconduct leads to a conclusion by the committee of their unfitness to continue holding their offices, as office-bearers of Abaqulusi Council.”

The Vryheid Herald made an enquiry to AbaQulusi Municipality after the news of the mayor and deputy mayor started circulating. The municipality responded that they had noted the enquiry. They further said, “Be advised that the Ethics Committee report was tabled before council during a special sitting that took place on October 19. In that sitting, it was resolved that all political parties be given enough time to go through the report and make their conclusions. The council resolution further indicated that a special sitting should take place within 21 days, where all political party whips will then give their statements on the matter. A council resolution will then be taken based on this.”

ALSO READ: Assassination attempt on AbaQulusi councillor fails

The news provided to you in this link comes to you from the editorial staff of the Vryheid Herald, a sold newspaper distributed in the Vryheid area.

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