Dundee Courier

Major outage plunges large parts of Dundee into darkness

A stolen thumper means the municipality will have to bring in outside help to trace the problem

Parts of Peacevale, Forestdale and the industrial area have been without power for over 18 hours.

It is understood a major fault caused the blackout which has left residents irate.

One resident told the Courier ‘that it is bad enough trying to cope with water and load shedding and now we have this – with our school children writing end of year exams’.

Sources said the ‘problem is a major one and that Eskom is to be called in to help trace the breakage’.

Last year, the electrical department’s thumper – equipment used to trace such faults – was stolen from the Municipal Workshop. No one has been arrested or charged.

The Municipality has had to resort to calling in private contractors to help trace faults – sometimes at a cost of around R24 000, sources told the Courier.

The Municipality says the problems is being attended to.


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