CrimeLadysmith Gazette

Police caution about scams

The public at large is warned not to become hoodwinked into believing 'unreal' promises that sound too good to be true

Ladysmith detectives are investigating several cases of fraud that involve large amounts of cash.

According to police, fraudsters are targeting mainly state employees who are close to retirement or who are on retirement.

The modus operandi sees a woman being enticed into an intimate relationship. Once their trust is gained, they transfer large amounts of cash into a fictitious bank account. They are given the impression that they will receive good returns on their investment. Needless to say, the fraudster then disappears.

On the other hand, men are approached by women who pretend to be financial advisors. They present what seems to be lucrative business proposals and are very convincing. Their victims deposit large sums of cash into fictitious bank accounts, thinking that they are investing their earnings. They never hear from the ‘advisors’ again.

Also read: Business robber behind bars

Rather invest in reputable companies that have a proven track record. If something seems too good to be true, it usually is just that – a scam that will rob you of your hard-earned savings.

The news provided to you in this link comes to you from the editorial staff of the Ladysmith Gazette, a sold newspaper distributed in the Ladysmith area.

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