SchoolsVryheid Herald

Derde kwartaal in volle swang

These leaders have to ensure that they live out the school’s values and act as examples

Niemand kan sê dat die derde kwaartaal enigsins minder besig is by Hoërskool Vryheid nie. Dié was weereens een vir die boeke. Ons het die week begin met fotodag. Die matrieks het, terwyl die res van die skool fotos geneem het, klas gedraf.

On Wednesday, the day kicked off with group photos. This was the first opportunity in two years that the learners had to take group photos of their different sporting codes. The cricket boys ended the day off with their match against Hoërskool Pionier. The U/15 team unfortunately lost the match by eight wickets, but the first team boys made Vryheid High proud by winning their game, also by eight wickets.
Donderdag het ons nie net bloed geskenk nie, maar dit was een van die mees suksesvolste bloedskenkings wat ons in jare gehad het. Die skool het 111 eenhede bloed geskenk. Dit gaan `n lang pad gaan om mense te kan help. Die meisieskrieket span het ook kragte gemeet teen St Dominics tuis velde. Die meisies het ongelukkig met agt paaltjies verloor.

The day the Grade 11s look forward to the whole year also took place on Thursday, when the 2023 leaders were chosen. These leaders have to ensure that they live out the school’s values and act as examples for the next Vryheid High generation.
The main event of the week was Vryheid High’s own talent show. The show was filled with extraordinary talent from learners and teachers alike. Some learners raised the roof, left us in tears and had us begging for more. We are lucky to have such talented children at the school.

On Friday, the matric learners were visited by Varsity College to help them with any doubts they may still have about their futures. Vryheid High was also visited by Hanna Meyer, an ex-pupil. She shared her experience of doing missionary work in Egypt and Jordan.

ALSO READ: ‘n Propvol vakansie vir VHS

A Ndima, S Duma, S Mkwanazi, A Grobler, A Strauss, N Mlaba and A Zulu.
Second row: A Mdlalose, F Paruk, A khumalo, A Mthetwa, F Mdaki and S Zulu.
Third row: N Mpungose, J Clothier, F Zwane, M Janse van Rensburg, L Els and U Ndlovu.

The news provided to you in this link comes to you from the editorial staff of the Vryheid Herald, a sold newspaper distributed in the Vryheid area.

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