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Ladies have a bash with Tash

It was an entertaining and insightful afternoon

Hundreds of women gathered at the Drakensberg Secondary School Hall on August 13 for the popular Spar Ladies’ Day.

The ladies were eager to welcome well-known South African comedian ‘Bash with Tash’ (Natashia Munian), who was the master of ceremonies.

Dressed up fancy in floral attire, everyone was in high spirits and looking forward to an entertaining and informative evening.

‘Bash with Tash’ was given a warm Estcourt welcome and later said that the audience was one of the best she had performed for.

She had the women in fits of laughter with her hilarious anecdotes, which centred on her life as an Indian woman.

Guest speakers on the day included Forderville Clinic operational manager Shamila Seebran Ramthol, Forderville Primary School principal Mrs Narainsamy and Charmaine O’Brien.


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Mrs Seebran Ramthol encouraged the women to undergo cervical screening to prevent them from being one of the 206,000 women worldwide who die from cervical cancer. She also spoke about standing together against gender-based violence (GBV).

“Be strong, be bold and end GBV. Enough is enough!” she said.

Mrs Narainsamy, being the first female principal at Forderville Primary School, praised women for the positions they hold today, giving examples of the first female KZN premier, Nomusa Dube-Ncube, and Education MEC Mbali Frazer (from Wembezi), who were elected last week.

“We can lead, plan and control; this shows woman power,” Mrs Narainsamy said.

She also spoke about the importance of having a positive mind-set and shared three techniques that can help replace negative energy with positive thoughts.

Described as a ‘woman of God’, Charmaine O’Brien stressed the necessity for women to have faith and believe in themselves.

“A powerful woman is passionate and uses her gift to help other women. Be a praying woman. Don’t give up, as your hour of power could be now,” she said.

In between the speeches, dozens of lucky draw prizes were up for grabs.

To conclude the evening, ‘Bash with Tash’ shared her life story with the audience – her 17 years of ‘failing at everything’ and ending with the positive message of ‘you can achieve anything you put your mind to’.

The thoroughly entertaining evening concluded with the audience dancing to Bash with Tash’s tune.


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