SportVryheid Herald

Young man embarks on 50km run to raise awareness about abuse

A young academic from the University of Zululand set off on a gruelling 51km run from Paulpietersburg to Vryheid’s Cecil Emmett Stadium to raise awareness about gender-based violence (GBV) and other crimes committed against women and children.

Last Tuesday, a young academic from the University of Zululand set off on a gruelling 51km run from Paulpietersburg to Vryheid’s Cecil Emmett Stadium to raise awareness about gender-based violence (GBV) and other crimes committed against women and children.

Dr Siphamandla Gumede (33), who recently obtained his PhD, said he hoped that this initiative, which is now in its second year, will continue to raise awareness about this very pressing issue.

Gumede is also using this 50km run as a fund-raiser so that sanitary towels can be provided to girls and young women from underprivileged backgrounds. While there is no financial gain for himself, Gumede says that improving and changing lives is his ultimate prize.

Last year, Gumede completed the run in six hours and managed to donate 150 sanitary towels, which were then distributed to three schools in his hometown of Vryheid.

This year, he has donated over 200 sanitary towels to schools, all of which were sponsored by his employer, the University of Zululand. The recipients were Khanyisa and Kwabhanya Secondary School, as well as Emandleni Primary School. ‘’I normally donate to schools that are situated in rural areas because, in most cases, these schools are not catered for in this respect. Instead, girl children have to use a cloth or a newspaper. Now they can use sanitary towels when it’s that time of the month.’’

“We are in August and we are celebrating Women’s Month, but if you look at what is happening in our country, you may be tempted to say there is very little to celebrate. Yes, our sisters and mothers are free to vote and they enjoy equal rights, but they are still murdered, raped and maimed every day. Just last week, we learned of eight women being gang-raped in Mogale City. Here in KZN, there was a case of two matric pupils who were brutally killed, allegedly by a young man. There are many of these cases and I believe that every one of us should take a stand. I hope that what I am doing will contribute towards the fight against GBV and I encourage other men to play their part as well,” he added.

He says he is thankful to the community at large for their continuous support, as well as the University of Zululand, Mr and Mrs Zulu, Nkosinathi Nkosi and Sihle Masango. “I must say I was very disappointed when I did not see even one official from the municipality, as I asked them before the time. I am based in Richards Bay now, but I believe that charity begins at home.

“I am also appealing for sponsorships. I am not looking for monetary sponsorship, but rather donations in the form of sanitary towels and other products that will help raise awareness and make the lives of girls and young women more comfortable,” he concluded.

ALSO READ:VRYHEID KZN: Local runners run for a cause

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