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Mbali pleads for votes to bring home the crown

She wants every woman to know about this pageant and also take part if they can, because she believes it teaches women a lot of things about life, like being financially and emotionally independent.

Mbali Mbanjwa (28) excitedly called the Vryheid Herald to alert the publication about her making it into the top 16 in the Miss Bachelorette SA pageant.

Mbali was interviewed last year when she managed to make the top 50 of the pageant. She explained her love for modelling, stating that she used to be a ‘fantasy model’ while attending Vryheid High School. In 2004, she won the Miss Mayfair junior pageant.

This year, Mbali is thrilled to be part of this pageant, where 16 women from around South Africa will compete on April 23 in Gold Reef City for the title of Miss Bachelorette. As a finalist, she is now pleading with the people of Vryheid to vote for her by SMS’ing MBSA Mbali to 33282 so she can bring home the crown to her hometown, This pageant caters for women between the ages of 25 and 50 who are single, divorced, unmarried or mothers. She says this is a pageant that breaks the stereotypes; a pageant that is motivational and empowering to women. “In this pageant, we mostly focus on philanthropy. The pageant says to women: come as you are and do all the beautiful and empowering activities that are offered, I won’t lie, my cup is full and I am ready to pour.”

Mbali mentioned that in her charity work, she mainly focused on GBV and femicide. She chose an organisation called ‘The House Group’, where they provide shelter and psychological counselling for girls who are victims of GBV. ‘’The main challenge I had was facing rejection when raising money and selling tickets. I had to be creative in order for me to raise the funds, because it is not easy to just ask people for money, I had different ideas; some of them worked and some did not work. There were times when I felt like crying because some of the doors I knocked on rejected my ideas, but I told myself that whatever I have started, I will finish, I do not like half jobs, and failure is a part of our lives.’’

She wants every woman to know about this pageant and also take part if they can, because she believes it teaches women a lot of things about life, like being financially and emotionally independent. She encourages women to use the link https://instagram.com/missbachelorettesa to check it out and be part of the beautiful project. ALSO READ:Do you think beauty pageants are beneficial to a model

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