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Ladysmith KZN: Unrest and arrests over piggery project in Bergville

13 community members were arrested after attempting to hinder operations at the piggery

Bergville, a small town situated in the foothills of the Drakensberg Mountain, has been shaken by a piggery project that has led to violence and arrests amid public outcry.

Angry Ward 10 community members are saying that a piggery project was established in their area, but they are not benefiting from it. They claim that “outside people” are getting the jobs in the piggery. They also claim that they are being removed from their forefathers’ land and relocated to small houses that are cheek-by-jowl, without proper consultation as to what is going on.

A Ladysmith Gazette reporter visited community members in Ward 10 (which includes the Rookdale, Langkloof and emaPlazini areas) who voiced their grievances about the piggery project in their ward. “In the beginning, Land Affairs informed us that we were going to be moved from our forefathers’ land. They told us that a big project was set to start and the land was needed for it. We were never informed that our land had already been sold for the piggery project. This caused division among us, as some members of the community signed contracts to the effect that they will be moved from their land. How can we be told to move from our forefathers’ land, where we have enough space to farm and for our livestock, and be told to move to small houses where we do not have any privacy, as these houses are built so close to one another?

“The second biggest problem we have regarding the Ward 10 piggery project is that they have started building on top of our ancestors’ graves. As the community, we were never informed to come and identify the graves, and perform all the necessary rituals that need to be done.

“A big sign was put up stating ‘no employment’, meaning that local people from Ward 10 were not hired. Thus we feel that we are not benefiting in any way. We are not against development in Bergville, but we should also benefit from big projects in our community,” said a community member from Ward 10 in Bergville who wishes to remain anonymous.

The above-mentioned grievances have resulted in protesters bringing a halt to operations at the piggery project. On September 24, 13 community members were arrested after attempting to hinder operations at the piggery. Video footage that has been circulating allegedly depicts community members being beaten up by the police before being arrested.

On Friday, October 2, all of those arrested appeared in the Bergville Magistrate’s Court, where they were released on R500 bail on condition that they do not go near the piggery. They are due to appear again in court on November 12.

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The Ladysmith Gazette reporter also conducted a telephonic interview with Mr Solooms, who spoke on behalf of the piggery.

“The piggery is a private investment and does not belong to the government. A few community members are perpetrating violence in the community and they are failing to see the bigger picture, as this project will assist with job opportunities. The piggery is not doing any harm to the community. If these incidents of violence continue, the owner of the piggery is going to move back to the Eastern Cape.”

Mr Solooms referred the Ladysmith Gazette to the owner of the piggery, but all attempts to try and get hold of him were in vain.

Ward 10 Councillor Mxolisi Vilakazi has confirmed that he is aware of this matter that has brought about unrest in the community, but cannot comment any further.

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