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Vryheid KZN: An act of kindness from the community

A lot of speculation is doing the rounds on social media as to what led to her death

The community of Vryheid is once again showing their kindhearted and giving nature by initiating yet another clean-up project.
This initiative follows after a woman was found unconscious at her house over a week ago. The young lady who found the woman called for assistance and the woman was taken to hospital. Felix, as the woman is known by most people in town, has been staying by herself for many years. It is in this same house that her mother was murdered a few years ago. Local community members then decided to do to a proper clean-up at Felix’s premises, which was overgrown and could lure potential trespassers. This initiative was the brainchild of a close neighbour, Christa Becker, who said she wanted to tackle the problem by herself. However, after the community heard about the initiative, they offered to assist by donating money, time and even machinery. Christa created a WhatsApp group and a lot of people were eager and willing to help her in this act of kindness.
On Saturday, the clean-up crew was in full force and a TLB was ‘donated’ to take out some of the bigger bushes. Christa says she did this because she wanted to help her ‘fellow man’, as well as for the safety of their neighbourhood. “Ek doen dit uit die liefde van my hart vir haar want ek ken haar baie goed,” said Christa on Saturday. Further donations included the installation of solar panels to enable Felix to have electricity in her house. But even before Felix could see her ‘newly renovated’ yard, she sadly passed away on Sunday evening in Vryheid District Hospital. Felix lived in Vryheid for many years and went to Vryheid High School. She was known to be a loving and peaceful person, not causing harm to anyone, but did not want to engage in conversation with people she didn’t know.
The community did, however, on many occasions care for her by providing her with food parcels and other odds and ends. Felix was in a motor vehicle accident a few years ago, which crippled her, and community members often offered her a lift to town or back to her house, which she was reluctant to accept on most occasions. But she was part of the community, and people loved her and ‘looked out for her’. A lot of speculation is doing the rounds on social media as to what led to her death. At this stage, the cause of death is unknown. An inquiry has been opened by the police.

ALSO READ: Vryheid is getting cleaner by the day

After the clean-up, one could see the house.
Overgrown bushes and shrubs made it almost impossible to enter the premises.


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