
OPINION: Who will guard the guards?

Unscrupulous individuals have been grossly inflating the cost of P.P.E and then milk the system for their self-enrichment.

In a Nutshell – commentary by Trevor Barnes

Trevor Barnes.

Oh but, who will guard the guards?

It seems to be a fact accepted by some wise overseas financial aid organisations, that money sent to uplift devastated communities, will be skilfully diverted into numerous private bank accounts, despite heart-felt assurances by governments that the fund distribution and use will be carefully monitored and controlled.

I believe that is what ‘oversight’ committees do. They keep tabs on who allocates how much to whom. Following appeals for financial aid to world bodies in order to help fight the Covid-19 pandemic, I believe large amounts of money were promised and I believe that many tenders for the supply of P.P.E., made their way to companies who had the necessary knowledge and equipment to make the stuff.

Wrong on all counts! Seems some companies’ actual expertise lay in totally different product manufacturing. I believe in one such instance the tendering company manufactures tents – far cry from face masks and gowns I feel.

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So here we have unskilled businesses in the field of protective equipment applying to supply the P.P.E., followed by unscrupulous individuals grossly inflating the cost of the items and then milking the system for their self-enrichment. Scandalous indeed, but par for the course you would agree.

Therefore, in order to wipe the predicted egg off our faces, and to try and regain plausibility among donors, a S.I.U. unit is appointed to investigate the situation. Bravo. Find the scoundrels and bring them to book, something which our country does not seem capable of accomplishing.

Just check recent history regards to money gone missing and who has been jailed? Suppose we cannot be perfect. But, it is now reported that some members of the S.I.U. are themselves being investigated for having been naughty and put fingers in the cookie jar.

What a laugh to hear that the S.I.U. is now delving into the delinquent behaviour of some of its appointed members.

As I said: who will guard the guards? Certainly not the special guarded guards we appoint.

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