
Royal Pain a quandary on gender-based violence

Royal Scars, tells a story of a young girl and her younger sibling, who witness their father battering their mother on a daily basis.

Lolo Madonsela

Gender-based violence, child-headed homes and poverty are some of the common challenges society is faced with. One 15-year-old girl has written a book drawing attention to these realities.

Nobukhosi Buthelezi from Paulpietersburg said people were oblivious to matters affecting them, and only got a wake-up call when it was laid down before them.

“I was looking at the things happening around us and how people choose not pay attention, unless something horrible happens or someone lays it before them. It’s only then they will show emotions and act.

“You look at gender-based-violence; how many children are affected by it? How many children have to be parents to their siblings because of such acts? I was trying to address the impact it has on the lives of children,” said Nobukhosi.

Besides being a published author, Nobukhosi is also a learner at Treverton College in Mooi River and is active in netball, soccer and athletics.

She encouraged other youths to never underestimate their talent, as it might be what puts them on a higher pedestal and becomes a source of income in the future.

“I believe a lot in talent, because it gets you when you want to be. Some people are not academically smart but they have an amazing talent, so they must use it to get to where they want to be in life and not give up just because they are not doing well in school.”

Nobukhosi’s mother said at first she did not take her child’s dream of being a writer seriously, but stated she was now fully behind her.

“As parents, we all have an idea of what we want our children to be when they grow up. For me, I really wanted her to become a doctor, so I was not really convinced by her need to be a writer until one day I sat down and read what she had written. That’s when my perception changed. I realised she was very talented and her use of words was impeccable, so I vowed I would support her as she realises her dream. I am very proud of her.”

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Nobukhosi’s book, titled Royal Scars, tells a story of a young girl and her younger sibling, who witness their father battering their mother on a daily basis. One day the mother decides she has had enough and kills her husband.

She goes to jail and the children are taken in by their frail grandmother, who lives in the village. The children struggle with the new lifestyle, after living in luxury with their parents. The young girl soon assumes the role of a mother to her younger sibling, as their grandmother is too old to care for them. She runs the household and at school she becomes a laughing stock.

As she grows older, the girl meets her soul mate, a prince who loves her. Because she is not of royal blood however, the queen refuses to have the prince marry her. According to tradition, they organise a wife from another royal family for the prince to marry.

The prince ultimately defies his mother and arranges to take the poor girl as his second wife, but his first wife decides to kill the girl instead.

Nobukhosi is currently working on her second book, which is due for publication later in year. For more details on Royal Scars, contact her directly on 067 670 4422/ buthelezinobukhosi@gmail.com/, on social media (Nobukhosi Buthelezi on Facebook and Instagram) or visit Adams Books in Pietermaritzburg.

Nobukhosi Buthelezi reads a passage from her book.

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