
Safety precautions: Prevent your home from being burgled

Avoid becoming a statistic with these helpful safety tips.

With housebreaking at an all-time high in certain areas, Newcastle police have issued tips to help residents safeguard their homes, and minimise the chances of being burgled.

Related article: Targeted areas in Newcastle. How safe are our suburbs?

Follow the precautions below, and avoid becoming a statistic:

– Ensure all doors are locked at all times, and windows are closed when you are not home.

– When leaving your house, inform your family or neighbours of your departure and when you expect to return, especially if you reside in a rural area.

– Arrange with your neighbour or family members to look after your house while you are away.

– Ensure tools such as axes, spades, picks, ladders, et cetera, which can be used during an attack, are locked away.

– Get into the habit of staying awake for a while after switching off the lights in your house.

– Make sure you have the correct curtains in your house, especially in your bedroom. You should not be visible from the outside of your home while you are asleep.

– Always keep a torch nearby at night. If you use it, make sure you do not give away your position.

– Clear the areas around your gates of bushes and other hiding places criminals might use.

– Drive different routes home regularly.

– There should be two communication systems for alternative backup: a telephone and a cellphone. Have the telephone installed where it is easily accessible from anywhere in the house.

– Lastly, inform your children not to give an indication that an adult is not present when answering the phone while you are away.

Also see: House robbers caught in Heidelberg

For more information, or to report a crime, contact Crime Stop on 08600 10111. Alternatively, call the emergency line 10111, or Newcastle SAPS on 034-3146156.

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