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Happiness is a choice

To be happy, we can take charge of our life, grow our confidence, become people-magnets, improve our lifestyle and follow our dreams

Nadia Buckus

“How to be happy in life?” is a very common question.

We hear it a lot from our life coaching clients. Happiness is, no doubt, the most important thing in our life. If we are happy with ourselves, happy with our health, happy with our relationships, happy with our career and happy with our finances, there is not much else we need. Unfortunately, most people are not happy, at least not as happy as they would like to be.

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To be happy, we can take charge of our life, grow our confidence, become people-magnets, improve our lifestyle and follow our dreams.
Many people are not happy at work. Stress at work can be very detrimental to team and staff performance.

Furthermore it increases the risk of anxiety, illness and potentially depression. We spend so much time at work, that it is very important to have humour and fun in the work place.

It is a fact that happier workers have increased productivity. Having a happy workforce creates better teams and lower stress.

These things in turn have a positive impact on clients and the overall business. There are many things that can cause us to have feelings other than happiness.

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• Trying to keep up with the Jones’ for example. This can potentially create financial burdens. It also can lead to people not living their true self as they feel they need to fit in.

To be continued.

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Sihle Ntenjwa

Journalist at Estcourt News

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