
Your weekly dose of astrology

Leo - This week it is probable that you will have an "ah ha!" moment that helps you pull everything together with a fresh slant

There seems to be minor agitation occurring at work or among your friends. Do not fall into the “catastrophic” attitude with others. The issue is minor in the scheme of things. This is a good time to work on a solitary project that requires concentration and the use of the large muscles in your body.

For the next three weeks your activities are on display. Others are noticing your performance, so make it great. You may be standing in the limelight. Your leadership gifts come to the foreground at this time. Change is happening all around you and it may be a challenge to keep up with it all. Do the best you can. No one can expect more.

You have likely been dealing with a decision concerning joint property or family issues.
You have spent a few weeks in this process. Although you want to come to a final solution, that may elude you right now. Be patient and know that the right answer will come soon. Set it aside to percolate before you take action.

You are in a reasonably good place with yourself at this time. Your heart and mind are flowing together. You have no conflict between your feelings and your thoughts about those feelings.
This is a time for reflection on important subjects. You can make good decisions now, but be aware of the upcoming Mercury retrograde and don’t commit the farm.

You are concentrating on adding something fresh and new to an old activity or structure in your life. It is possible that the “structure” has to do with relationships.  This week it is probable that you will have an “ah ha!” moment that helps you pull everything together with a fresh slant.

This is a time of co-operation between you and your lover or children. If a spouse is in the picture, things may be strained but there is probably no overt disagreement. Let your intuition flow and guide you. Give attention to your dreams. Ask your higher self for answers at night and they will be there in the morning when you waken.

Venus, your ruling planet, moves into the sector of life related to children, recreation, and romance. This time the name of the game is “intensity” between you and anyone in these sectors. Relationships are challenging right now. Sidestep any temptations to manipulate others and avoid falling into traps of those who want to “play” you.

Drive and handle tools carefully. Your reflexes are a little off target right now. Changes may be occurring in your primary relationship. One or the other of you is probably trying to hang onto what is familiar. Changes and growth must be allowed to happen or the relationship will become stale. Let things flow naturally. No force allowed here.

You are in a long term process of building something important into your life. This week a friend or an acquaintance might offer a suggestion that could be valuable to your process. It may not be perfect, but could lead you to find a solution if you give it attention.

An individual who outranks you provides help in the background. Concentrate on maintaining the straight and narrow in encounters of love or romance. Lying and especially cheating, will bring you far more harm than good. For a breather from the fray, immerse yourself in movies, plays, or good books that bring you pleasure.

It is necessary that you give attention to an issue of control that threatens to split one or more of your relationships. Either of you may be the one who is seeking power and it may be quite subtle. You may be attempting to get what you want through manipulation. Don’t pursue this and don’t let someone do it to you. Take the high road.

This is a fine time to enjoy books and/or TV, meditate and journal. Give yourself time for self-exploration and even just “diddling around” and relaxing. Your dreams are meaningful and your intuition strong. Focus on art, music, dance, and colour -whatever gives you pleasure.

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