Ladysmith GazetteLocal news

MEC for CoGTA clarifies issue of back pay to Izinduna

SARS explained the tax implications regarding payouts

KwaZulu-Natal MEC for Co-operative Governance & Traditional Affairs Bongiwe Sithole-Moloi is actively tackling the issue of back pay to Izinduna.

In an effort to provide clarity regarding disparities between the promised lump sum and the actual disbursements of back pay to Izinduna, Sithole-Moloi has convened a series of engagements involving the South African Revenue Services (SARS) to clarify the tax implications surrounding this issue.

Having engaged with Izinduna from eThekwini Metro and Ilembe districts last week, the MEC met with Izinduna from uThukela, Amajuba and Umzinyathi on Tuesday at the Ladysmith Indoor Sports Complex. There, SARS provided a detailed explanation of the tax calculation applied to the back pay.

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The department is currently in the final stages of distributing back pay to Izinduna, a commitment made during the budget speech in April addressing the 2013-2016 period during which Izinduna were not compensated following a proclamation by national government.

As the department has been disbursing funds to rightful beneficiaries, Izinduna have expressed concerns regarding the tax implications associated with their lump sum payments. This has prompted MEC Sithole-Moloi to convene this series of engagements across districts, inviting SARS to explain the tax calculation process.

The news provided to you in this link comes to you from the editorial staff of the Ladysmith Gazette, a sold newspaper distributed in the Ladysmith area. 

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