Ladysmith GazetteLocal news

Al-Imdaad Foundation distributes water

Residents were thankful after having dry taps for over two weeks

The Al-Imdaad Foundation was seen in Ezakheni yesterday (March 2), distributing water to people in the area.

Residents were thankful for the kind gesture, as they have not had any water for over two weeks. 

According to Abed Karrim from Al-Imdaad, the councillors from Ward 2 and 5 contacted him and asked if the foundation could assist. Karrim did not hesitate and immediately sent out a water tanker. 

Al-Imdaad members handed out water at homes and crèches, and also refilled the JoJo tanks at clinics. The truck was then refilled and went back to the area to carry on distributing. 

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Karrim concluded that they will continue to help out in rural areas and townships that are in need of water.

The news provided to you in this link comes to you from the editorial staff of the Ladysmith Gazette, a sold newspaper distributed in the Ladysmith area. 

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