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Beware of bogus fire service company

Ensure that you check the particulars of the company before accepting services

Former fire chief George van Niekerk is warning the public to be aware of an unregistered company, comprising three individuals, that is illegally providing fire services to local businesses.

During a recent inspection by a fire-fighter, Van Niekerk was alerted that a number of fire extinguisher services were carried out by a company that is not registered with the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) or South African Qualification & Certification Committee (SAQCC).

This effectively means that this company is providing paid-for services they are not registered to carry out.

The trio of men allegedly involved were previous employees of Van Niekerk at N3 Fire. They have since been dismissed, and a case of theft and fraud has been opened against them. The case is in court.

“Since they no longer work for N3 Fire, they decided to open their own business and are approaching customers they know. They are servicing fire extinguishers and hose reels, and billing the customer under the company name 036 Fire. They are even wearing our uniform. This company is not registered and the people providing the services have been suspended by SAQCC Fire,” Van Niekerk explained.

The implications for the customer will mean spending more money.


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“Fire equipment serviced by these people will have to be redone by a registered company, so the customer has to pay again. Also, insurance companies will not pay out a claim if a registered company was not used,” he added.

He urges residents to be aware of these men who are allegedly making a quick buck from unsuspecting business owners.

“If you see them, chase them away,” Van Niekerk advises.

“Or ask them for a valid SAQCC Fire identity card. Check that the dates are valid and that the card contains the name, registration number and company name,” he concluded.


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