CrimeLadysmith GazetteNews

Arrests for Forensic Unit break-in

The two accused face charges of being in possession of suspected stolen property

Two arrests have been made after the Ladysmith Forensic Unit was broken into last week.

Police spokesperson Warrant Officer Basheer Khan says that several items were stolen from the  premises during the break-in.

On Saturday (April 9), officers made a breakthrough in the case.

Two men, aged 18 and 29, were arrested and appeared in the Ladysmith Magistrate’s Court yesterday (April 12).

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The accused face charges of being in possession of suspected stolen property. The property is alleged to have been taken from the Forensic Unit.

The news provided to you in this link comes to you from the editorial staff of the Ladysmith Gazette, a sold newspaper distributed in the Ladysmith area.

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