CrimeLadysmith GazetteNews

Truck set alight on Colenso/Pieters road

A group of men emerged from the bushes and hurled rocks at the truck

A fuel tanker truck was set alight on the Colenso/Pieters road in the early hours of this morning (January 18).

According to the driver (who is a foreign national), a handful of unknown men came out of the bushes along the hill on the Pieters road and hurled rocks at the windscreen, forcing the truck to a standstill. They then set the truck alight using petrol bombs before fleeing the scene.

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The motive behind the attack has not been confirmed, but it is suspected that this incident is linked to the ongoing tension between local truck drivers and foreign drivers.

Public Safety, SAPS, the Fire Department and towing services responded to the scene.

The driver of the truck was fortunate not to be harmed in any way during the frightening ordeal. 

The news provided to you in this link comes to you from the editorial staff of the Ladysmith Gazette, a sold newspaper distributed in the Ladysmith area. 

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