Windsor West park to be beautified and secured

WINDSOR – A project aims to beautify the Knight and Lord Street Park in Windsor West.

Ward 98 councillor Beverley Weweje is happy to announce that the process has been started to help beautify and secure the Knight and Lord Street Park in Windsor West.

The park has deteriorated over several years due to a lack of care and community support, seeing numerous incidents of illegal dumping and use by displaced persons.
The project aims to see the beautification of the park as a central place for safe recreation for families and youngsters living in the Windsor West community.

Ward 98 councillor Beverley Weweje at the entrance to Knight and Lord Street Park in Windsor West. Photo: Reuven Blignault

“The neighbourhood where the park is situated was historically an area with a lot of older individuals living there. In recent years, this has changed to a much younger neighbourhood. Many families with young children would like to use the park, and thus a plan was formulated a few years ago to beautify and secure it,” said Weweje.

Existing boundary poles have been removed at Knight and Lord Street Park in Windsor West. Photo: Reuven Blignault

She added that on 21 January, she met with Joburg City Parks and Zoo to finalise the plan for the commencement of the project.
“Fencing will be erected to secure the area, with access gates closed in the evening. This has been a plan that has been years in the making, and it is finally coming to fruition.”

Ward 98 councillor Beverley Weweje at a boundary wall which is being constructed at Knight and Lord Street Park in Windsor West. Photo: Reuven Blignault

Phase two of the project will see the beautification of the park with further landscaping and park equipment.
“This park belongs to the people of Windsor West, and if our community takes ownership of it more can be done to ensure that it stays beautiful. I would love to see a greater community and business involvement in the park by joining the City in the upkeep and security of the park once the project is completed. I would also love to see local businesses sponsor park benches, playground and gym equipment. “Any community members or businesses who wish to get involved are welcome to contact me.

“I would also like to sincerely thank City Parks and Zoo for their commitment, they have never let go of this vision for this park.”

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